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re the worst offenders there。〃
  〃You mean; you object to what Master Oldive is doing in surgical procedures and more effective medications?〃
  〃Of course not;〃 she said with a scowl。 〃But I don't think everyone agrees with some of the surgical stuff。〃 She gave a little shudder。
  〃You would if your life depended on correcting an internal problem; like your guts protruding out of your belly because the stomach lining had ruptured;〃 F'lar said with a humorless laugh。
  〃Sharra said it's called a hernia and is not life…threatening;〃 she responded in a brusque tone。 Then; in an abrupt change; she exhaled。 〃I take the point。 We have to educate others to do so。〃
  〃Agreed; and we have to get our younger riders to educate themselves; too; for After。〃
  〃Well; some will have no trouble;〃 she said。 〃They don't consider it beneath their dignity to deliver messages or transport urgently needed bulk items。 Tagetarl sent us a copy of the dictionary that he copied from Aivas's files with definitions of technical terms。 Far more current than anything the Harper Hall has。 Sebell said he's got orders from every major hold; nearly all the minor ones; and most of the halls。〃
  〃Then maybe understanding and defining a technological vocabulary will bee wider spread。〃
  His facetious tone caused her to grin。 〃That wouldn't hurt。 But it's the older riders; who show absolutely no interest in supporting themselves After; who worry me。 Why is it so belittling for a dragon and his rider to extend their abilities in other quite respectable pursuits? They know that living in Southern is not a matter of flinging up some fronds to cover a hut on the white sands and picking ripe fruit off the nearest tree。 They won't even consider helping the beastherders to keep the feline predators from causing witless stampedes into gorges and ravines even if dragons have always killed their own food。 Dragons don't share their kills; even with their riders。〃
  It was F'lar's turn to chuckle at her acerbic remarks。 〃If you're hungry enough; I suppose roast feline can be tasty。〃
  〃Sharra said it's tough and often tastes more of fish than flesh。〃
  〃We've sixteen more Turns of Threadfall; love;〃 he said; refilling her wineglass。
  〃Now;〃 and she gave him a sly look; 〃if Benden's Weyrleader should make a decision as to what he will do After?〃
  He chuckled indulgently as he held Manora's basket of delicacies out to her。 The spicy odors wafted her way。
  〃What is Manora tempting us with?〃 she wondered; unfolding the napkin。
  〃They certainly smell palatable。 You take your pick。〃
  She did; delighting in the flaky pastry and the spicy filling。 〃I think;〃 Lessa mumbled through her full mouth; 〃that she plans to go from one end to the other of the recipes she had us download from the Aivas files。〃
  〃It's a shame she never got down to speak to Aivas。 He'd've liked her。〃
  Lessa grimaced。 〃If you remember; we offered to take her many times and she refused。 There was always too much to do。〃 She licked the last of the pastry flakes from her fingers。
  F'lar sat down and she noticed the bone…weariness evident in the slow way he settled his body in the fortably padded chair across from her。 Only with her did he have the luxury to relax。 If she missed the painful stiffness that indicated his bones were aching; Mnementh would tell her and she'd make him take a dose of the medication Oldive had made to relieve the problem。
  〃Is there ever enough time?〃 she asked。
  〃There should be。〃 He scowled; sweeping back the forelock that was silver now。 〃There should be all the time in the world After。〃
  〃Have you decided where we'll go After?〃 He frowned; brushing the inquiry aside。 She fretted at his reluctance。 They certainly should have their choice of residence; barring beautiful Honshu in deference to F'lessan's proprietary interest in it。 But what…and a dreadful thought arose from the deepest part of her mind。 She did not refuse that flash of unnecessary alarm; she did hold it deep in her thoughts。 What would happen if Ramoth should fail to rise to mate in the ing Turns; as Bedella's Solth had done recently? R'mart had gratefully retired to Southern with his Weyrwoman。 But somehow Lessa had always assumed that she and F'lar would remain Weyrleaders until the end of this Pass。 There would e a time; even if it wasn't imminent; when Ramoth would not feel the challenge of fertility。 Lessa gave her head an impatient shake; smiling as she remembered the most recent time Ramoth had risen gloriously to challenge the bronzes and Mnementh had vigorously conquered。 Her grin broadened as her dragon caught that thought。 But Mnementh lived in constant danger of injury。
  He is strong and clever fighting Thread。 He evades score and ash as nimbly as any green; Ramoth responded in stout support。 Mnementh is the only bronze I will ever accept and there isn't another as daring。 Even if he sleeps more than he used to。 Be easy。
  With the bond between the riders so acute; F'lar invariably knew when Ramoth had spoken to her rider。 He cocked one eyebrow at his weyrmate。
  〃What's on her mind?〃 Then he chuckled。 〃Or yours?〃
  〃When are you going to make up your mind where we'll go After?〃 she asked with a hint of exasperation; as if that was what occasioned Ramoth's remark。
  F'lar gave her a long patient look。 〃We can go where we want。 Be certain of one thing: we shall not be dependent on anyone。〃 Briefly his jaw settled into an inflexible line。
  〃That will make a very nice change;〃 she said at her driest。
  〃We could see if one of those eastern islands would suit。〃
  〃What?〃 She scowled fiercely at him; realizing that she had risen to his bait。 He chuckled again。 At least he was in a good mood。
  〃I know the weather here's terrible but I've spent all my life in this pile of rock。〃 He shot her a look to see if she would disagree。
  〃Rock is cool in the summertime;〃 she agreed diffidently; then added in a nostalgic tone of voice; 〃When I think of how much history we have made here。。。 〃
  〃Indeed。 And how many changes have occurred since we became Weyrleaders。〃
  〃Too sharding many losses in the past Turn; too。〃
  〃 'There is a time for every purpose under the heaven;' 〃 he quoted softly。
  Tears welled quickly in Lessa's eyes at that reminder of Robinton…and Aivas。 Two Turns and a few months were not enough to distance that double loss。
  〃I miss Robinton so much。〃
  〃Who doesn't?〃 F'lar replied softly; lifting one hand briefly in resignation before he continued。 〃I was thinking more of Laudey and Warbret。 And good old R'gul。〃 He let out a sigh of remembered frustration。
  〃We must be charitable;〃 she reminded him in her more usual caustic fashion。 The bronze rider had been a thorn in both their sides despite his outward acquiescence to F'lar's Weyrleadership。 There was always the hint; when R'gul took orders from F'lar; that he; R'gul; would have done differently。 〃He did obey; you know; and his wing thought highly of him as a leader。〃
  F'lar grunted; twirling the stem of his glass and apparently absorbed in admiring the ruby color。
  〃I'll miss Laudey;〃 she went on after nibbling at a pastry; 〃although I do like Langrell as Igen Holder。 Very nice person。〃
  〃Handsome; too。〃
  She shot him a glance。 〃He needs a good wife。〃
  〃He'll have no trouble。〃 F'lar poked at the contents of the basket before selecting a triangular pastry and popping it in his mouth。 〃Not bad。〃
  She found another of the same shape。 〃No; it isn't。〃 She licked her lips。
  He sipped his wine; regarding her from the corner of his eye。 〃Do you favor Janissian for the Holdership at Southern Boll? That's another issue for the next Council to decide。〃
  〃Boll has an historical precedent for Lady Holders; you know。〃
  He nodded; waiting for her to continue。
  〃Certainly Lady Marella has been directing the Hold unofficially for a long time; saving Sangel's face。 She got Janissian educated at Landing; too。〃
  〃Groghe likes the girl。 Old enough to take Hold。 Well respected。〃
  Lessa shrugged。 〃Jaxom says she's as organized as Sharra is。 He'd be glad to step down from the position of youngest Lord Holder。〃
  F'lar stretched out his right leg; grimacing as the tendon resisted full extension。 He gave a sigh。
  He's all right; Mnementh told Lessa privately; waking from his nap。
  All that dancing he tried to tell me he didn't enjoy; Lessa replied。
  〃We need younger minds dealing with all the changes;〃 she said aloud。
  He turned his amber eyes on her; amused and slightly condescending。 〃Young heads can be as certain that they are right as the old ones。 And no experience to draw on。〃 He ate another pastry; licking his fingers as the juice within leaked。 〃Idarolan's been studying astronomy with that journeyman of Wansor's。 He got Morilton to make him some special mirrors for a telescope to set up on that bridge of his down at Nerat's Ankle。〃
  〃For all that I like Curran as Masterfishman; I'll miss Idarolan's sly wit in the Council。〃 She took another tidbit and then a sigh escaped her lips after she swallowed。 〃I shall miss them。 I'll miss them all。〃
  F'lar reached over the table to cover her thin; small; but remarkably capable hand; squeezing her fingers。
  〃We both shall; love。〃 He picked up his glass。 〃To absent friends。〃
  She raised hers; the glasses touched; and they finished off their wine。
  Simultaneously they rose。 F'lar slipped his arm about her slender shoulders; drawing her against his body as they walked in step to the sleeping room。
  Lessa didn't think she'd gotten to sleep before they were both roused by angry dragon trumpeting。
  Toric was recovering from too much wine consumed the night before。 The red had definitely been too young to be potable; even if it had e from his own vineyard and therefore was handy and cost him nothing。 Except this morning's headache。 Well; it took time to establish vines and; considering the cost of the starts from Benden; he had been eager to see some return on the investment。 MasterVintner Welliner's estimate of how much wine he would be bottling from the hillsides under cultivation was inaccurate; too。 If this year's press was not up to what he'd been led to believe he could expect; he'd have a long chat with Welliner。 Toric slowly opened dry eyes in his aching skull。
  〃You're getting old; Father;〃 Besic said。 He handed Toric a steaming mug。 〃Mother's pliments。〃
  Toric stifled a groan as he took the mug。 Though he knew from experience that Ramala's morning…after cure was efficacious; the steam was slightly nauseating and he averted his head before attempting the first gulp。
  Besic settled himself in the sling chair; stretching his legs out and crossing his ankles; thumbs hooked in his belt as he regarded his father with a bland expression。
  〃Hosbon's here。 Sailed in from Largo last night。 Got here at dawn。〃
  Toric nearly dribbled the potion down his chin at the unwele news。 Had Besic timed that remark until he had the cup to his lips? The two men tolerated each other warily; not because of Blood ties but out of begrudged respect。 Toric grunted and drank as fast as the heat; and the taste; allowed。 〃I told him that you were busy。〃
  〃I am;〃 Toric said。 The liquid made him belch and left a vile taste in his mouth。 He stood; balancing himself on his bare feet; to prove that he was capable of overing the previous night's excesses as easily as ever。 He strode to where Ramala had laid out fresh clothes and stepped into the new short trousers and matching loose shirt that would be fortable during the heat of the day。 He growled as he had to sort the rank cords against his right shoulder。 Nuisancy things。 As if everyone didn't recognize the Lord Holder of Southern。 That caused him to snort; as any reminder did of how he had been gulled by the Weyrleaders。 From the corner of his eye he saw the smirk on Besic's face; as if he read his sire's thought。
  〃Didn't you think to bring in…〃
  Besic interrupted him by pointing to the breakfast tray on the table。
  Despite the fact that the pounding in his head was easing; Toric was still in a foul humor。 〃What's on Hosbon's mind? He's always at me f
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