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[44]id。… 'Foreword'; in S。 Milgram; J。 Sabini; and M。 Silver (eds); The Individual in the Social World: Essays and Experiments; 2nd Edition; pages ix…xi。 McGraw…Hill: New York; 1992。

[45]J。 L。 Freedman & S。 C。 Fraser… 'pliance without pressure: The foot…in…the…door technique'; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology #4; pages 196…202。 1966。


[1]Due to logistical issues; the measurements in New York and Croatia were taken between 11。30 a。m。 and 2 p。m。 on 1 October 2006; and 5 September 2006; respectively。

[2]The mean walking times (in seconds) were as follows: Singapore; 10。55; Copenhagen; 10。82; Madrid; 10。89; Guangzhou; 10。94; Dublin; 11。03; Curitiba; 11。13; Berlin; 11。16; New York; 12。00; Utrecht; 12。04; Vienna; 12。06; Warsaw; 12。07; London; 12。17; Zagreb; 12。20; Prague; 12。35; Wellington; 12。62; Paris; 12。65; Stockholm; 12。75; Ljubljana; 12。76; Tokyo; 12。83; Ottawa; 13。72; Harare; 13。92; Sofia; 13。96; Taipei; 14。00; Cairo; 14。18; Sana'a; 14。29; Bucharest; 14。36; Dubai; 14。64; Damascus; 14。94; Amman; 15。95; Bern; 17。37; Manama; 17。69; Blantyre; 31。60。


[1]I made this bit up。

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