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  然而,助人的精神并不只有在圣诞节才能发挥。美国人一年到头都在帮助他人。像狮子会(Lion's Club)、角鹿社(Elk's Club)、扶轮社(Rotary Club)这样的市民会社,都参与了地方社区的计划活动。很多机构的设立就是为了要助人。许愿基金会(Make a Wish Foundation)给罹患末期疾病的孩童们一个美梦成真的机会;仁爱之家(Habitat for Humanity)则帮助穷苦的人们建盖属于他们自己的房子。成千上万的美国人除了以金钱支持一些有意义的事情之外,他们也献出自己的时间在医院、流浪者之家和学校作义工服务。 
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? Spotlight on Munich 聚焦慕尼黑(图) 
? 英国人的两种不同的休闲方式(图) 
? British Pub…goer's Manner 英国酒客的举止(图) 
? British Pub Etiquette 英国酒吧的礼仪(图) 
? British Pub Culture 英国的酒吧文化(图) 
? Spotlight on Copenhagen 哥本哈根特写(图) 
? 教堂与广场(图) 
? 剧院与音乐(图) 
? 世界各地婚俗(三)(图) 
? 美味的馅饼和细面条(图) 
? 意大利:美丽神奇之国(图) 
? 神秘的威尼斯(图) 


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 时尚英语 》》 英语点滴 》》 正文

Health & Fitness 美国人的健康与健美感
 |  | 6月8日

  Picture this: Two very fat men enter an ice cream shop。 They sit down and order two giant sundaes。 After enjoying their rich desserts; they go to a health club and have a good workout。 They're trying to work off all those calories they ate。 Who would be so silly? Some Americans would。 When it es to health and fitness; Americans have mixed emotions。 On the one hand; they are concerned about their health。 On the other; they have some very unhealthy habits。 


  Americans know the benefits of having a healthy diet。 In school; children learn to eat a variety of healthy foods。 People grow up aware of the value of counting calories。 They hear about the health dangers of chemicals added to packaged food。 They realize they shouldn't eat too many sweets or fats。 Many American consumers read labels carefully for nutrition information。 That way they can pare products and eat the best foods。 


  Keeping fit……or maybe getting in shape……is often high on the list of New Year's resolutions for Americans。 In the past two decades; fitness has bee a fad。 Many Americans have joined health clubs to work out with professional equipment。 Sports stores sell athletic shoes and clothing for every possible exercise situation。 People can even buy weights and equipment and set up their own exercise center at home! 


  Statistics give health experts good reason to be disappointed。 Americans exercise less than they used to。 The number of people taking part in fitness activities dropped from 41。7 million in 1991 to only 32 million in 1993。 Among high school students; only 37 percent exercise three times per week。 However; 70 percent of teenagers watch at least an hour of TV every day; and 38 percent watch over three hours。 As a result; the average American gained eight pounds during the 1980's。 At least one…third of Americans weigh 20 percent more than their ideal weight。 


  Still; by many standards; Americans enjoy good health。 Medical care in the United States; while expensive; is among the best in the world。 The U。S。 Government requires strict food inspections to ensure that food is of the highest quality。 Food producers must label products accurately。 Many resources; such as magazines; TV programs and even the Inter; allow people to find out how to improve their health。 Americans know how to make themselves more healthy。 They just need to do it。 

' 关 闭 本 页 '

? Spotlight on Munich 聚焦慕尼黑(图) 
? 英国人的两种不同的休闲方式(图) 
? British Pub…goer's Manner 英国酒客的举止(图) 
? British Pub Etiquette 英国酒吧的礼仪(图) 
? British Pub Culture 英国的酒吧文化(图) 
? Spotlight on Copenhagen 哥本哈根特写(图) 
? 教堂与广场(图) 
? 剧院与音乐(图) 
? 世界各地婚俗(三)(图) 
? 美味的馅饼和细面条(图) 
? 意大利:美丽神奇之国(图) 
? 神秘的威尼斯(图) 


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 时尚英语 》》 英语点滴 》》 正文

Informal Language 美语中的非正式用语
 |  | 7月26日

Ever go jogging in a business suit? What about going to a job interview in pajamas? Dressing appropriately is a lot like using a foreign language in the right way。 It all depends on the situation。 People in America use formal English for making speeches and writing business letters。 But they prefer informal language when they talk to friends。 Americans are fairly laid…back; both in styles of dress and in language。 So to understand their culture; it pays to know something about informal language…in other words; English in blue jeans and a T…shirt。 


English; like every language; is always changing。 New slang terms are created all the time。 Often they're here today; gone tomorrow。 For instance; if you wanted to call something exciting in the 1960s; you would say it was groovy or far out。 Today you might describe it as cool or even bad。 Each sub…group of American society…from teenagers to soldiers to thieves to ethnic groups…has its own slang。 People who aren't a part of the 〃in…group〃 can't understand the meaning; even though the words are 〃English。〃 So it's not easy for outsiders to use slang correctly。 

英语就像每一种语言一样是一直在变。新的俚语不断地出现,常常今天还在使用的,明天就被淘汰了。例如,在一九六O年代你若要形容一件很兴奋的事,你会说很「groovy」美好的,或是「far out」走在时代尖端的。而今天会形容为「cool」很酷,甚至「bad」好菜喔。从青少年、军人、小偷、到少数民族,美国社会中每一种附属团体都有自己的俚语。即使它们确实是英语,但是不属于那个团体的人就不会明白它的意思。因此局外人要正确地使用俚语实在不容易。 

Like many languages; American English has numerous idioms that paint word pictures。 These colorful expressions e from everyday life and add spice to language。 When Americans want to make a good first impression on someone; they try to put their best foot forward。 That way; they won't get off on the wrong foot in their relationship。 Learning about idioms in a language and culture can be difficult; but don't get cold feet。 Just be careful when using these expressions。 Otherwise; you might put your foot in your mouth。 


Americans enjoy making things easy on themselves。 Even their pronunciation is relaxed。 Sounds or syllables that are not stressed are shortened or bined with other sounds。 As a result; 〃What do you want to do?〃 bees 〃Whaddaya wanna do?〃 And 〃I don't know〃 sounds like 〃I dunno。〃 See if you can understand the following conversation: 

Gene: Jeet yet? 
Tim: No; ju? 
Gene: Skoeet! 

Now let's translate it into regular English: 
Gene: Did you eat yet? 
Tim: No; did you? 
Gene: Let's go eat! 

School teachers probably cringe at this kind of pronunciation。 But the fact is; that's how Americans often talk in real…life situations。 

美国人喜欢把事物简化,甚至连他们的发音也很轻松自在,不是重音的发音或是音节,通常会被缩短或是和其它的音相连。因此,「What do you want to do?」就变成了「Whaddaya wanna do?」而「I don't know。」听起来像「I dunno。」看看你能不能听懂以下的对话: 

吉妮: Jeet yet? 
提姆: No; ju? 
吉妮: Skoeet! 

吉妮: Did you eat yet? (你吃过了没?) 
提姆: No; did you? (还没有,你呢?) 
吉妮: Let's go eat! (一块儿去吃吧!) 


There's one type of informal language that you should avoid using; however。 Swearwords offend many people in America。 Sometimes people say 〃four…letter words〃 to express anger or pain。 Many of these 〃curse words〃 are terms from the Bible that people have misused。 For example; to damn means to punish forever in Hell; so 〃damn〃 and 〃hell〃 are strong curses。 Using the names of God or Jesus without respect can also bother people。 And one more thing: stay away from 〃dirty words〃…vulgar descriptions of sex or the human body。 True; some people talk like this; but such 〃gutter language〃 should stay in the gutter。 


Americans enjoy being informal。 They like making themselves fortable; whether it's wearing blue jeans and a T…shirt or using informal language。 So if you want to speak real American…style English; just go casual…especially if your English teacher isn't looking。 

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