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      3。 unstable a。 不牢固的,不稳定的 unstable weather 不稳定的天气    
      【反义词】stable 稳定的    
      1。 We’ll be with a respectable result in tomorrow’s match。    
      A) consented B) content    
      C) context D) contending    
      2。 The English word “family” used to all the people in the house; including servants。    
      A) denote B) donate C) devote D) dial    
      3。 Be when you talk about money with your family。    
      A) explicit B) implicit    
      C) complicated D) complicit    
      4。 The force of that competition is indicated by the costs that firms and the fees that they charge clients。    
      A) concur B) incur C) ocomur D) carriage    
      5。 There was a of people around the club entrance。    
      A) mass B massive C) mess D) mission    
      6。 The clinic is by retired doctors。    
      A) stiff B) scolded C) stuffed D) staffed    
      7。 Many mothers feel that they have very low in today’s society。    
      A) station B) status C) statue D) states    
      8。 Finding a cheap place to rent is a impossibility in this area。    
      A) virtue B) virtual C) virginal D) various    
      9。 His reason for making the journey was to visit his family。    
      A) principle B) principally    
      C) principal D) principled    
      10。 It is easy to have an opinion on a issue like the death penalty for murder。    
      A) merchant B) moral C) mass D) mortal    
      What gets whiter the dirtier it gets?    

unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 4

      1。 For a long period of time Latin was the language of Italy。    
      A) liberal B) literal C) literary D) literacy    
      2。 We’re looking for highly young people; with a genuine interest in their task。    
      A) intelligent B) intelligence    
      C) intellect D) intelligible    
      3。 The Japanese have no wish to Western social customs and attitudes。    
      A) intimate B) imitate C) intimidate D) initiate    
      4。 The couple were cheered and on their arrival。    
      A) slapped B) lapped C) clapped D) tapped    
      5。 At the time; the law gave women very little from violent husbands。    
      A) protection B) investigation    
      C) detection D) motivation    
      1。 【C】    
      2。 【A】    
      3。 【B】    
      4。 【C】    
      5。 【A】    
      1。 detection n。 察觉,发觉    
      protection n。 保护    
      2。 device n。 装置,设计,设备    
      devise vt。 设计,发明,图谋    
      revise vt。 修订,校订    
      3。 disguise v。 假装,伪装    
      disgust ① vi。 令人厌恶,令人反感 ② vt。 使作呕    
      4。 exterior a。 外部的,外在的,表面的    
      inferior a。 下等的,下级的    
      interior a。 内部的,内的    
      superior a。 较高的,上级的    
      5。 course n。 过程,经过;课程;一道菜    
      cause n。 原因,动机,理由 vt。 引起,使发生    
      6。 flesh n。 肉,(供食用的)兽肉,肉体, vt。 以肉喂(猎犬等),使肥,赋以血肉 vi。 长胖    
      fresh a。 新鲜的,无经验的,生的, adv。 最新地,刚刚 n。 开始,泛滥    
      flash n。 闪光,闪现,一瞬间 vi。 闪光,闪现,反射,使迅速传遍 vt。 使闪光,反射 a。 闪光的,火速的    
      7。 gasp vi。 喘息,气喘 vt。 气吁吁地说    
      grasp vt。 抓住,抓紧,掌握,领会 n。 抓住,抓紧,掌握,领会    
      8。 cling vi。(clung)粘紧,附着;坚持(常与to连用)    
      fling vt。(flung)(用力)扔,掷,扑    
      9。 worship n。 崇拜,礼拜,尊敬 vi。 敬神,拜神 vt。 崇拜,尊敬    
      workshop n。 车间,工场    
      warship n。 军舰,战船    
      10。 change n。 改变,变化,转变,找回的零钱 vt。 改变,变革,改造,兑换    
      charge n。 负荷,电荷,费用,主管,掌管 v。 装满,控诉,收费    
      chant n。 圣歌    
      What’s the big question US presidential candidates should be asking themselves? Is my name short enough? So if you want to find a way of forecasting(预测)who is going to win the race for the presidency; look at the lengths and origins of their names。 The pattern since World War II has been for candidates with increasingly short; poster…friendly names。 And preferably sounding like they could be the lead characters in a mini…series。    
      1。 candidate: n。 候选人,投考者    
      【同义词】applicant 申请人    
      2。 pattern: n。 模'典'范,榜样 one’s pattern of behavior 一个人的行为特点    
      3。 character: n。 身份,角色,能力 in his character as the father 以父亲的身份    
      1。 She a method for quicker communications between offices。    
      A) devices B) revises C) devises D) invokes    
      2。 The FBI say the hijackers were very likely to have been 。    
      A) disguised B) disgusted    
      C) distinguished D) disposed    
      3。 She always acts so to everyone else。    
      A) exterior B) interior C) inferior D) superior    
      4。 This plane is in the of the flight。    
      A) course B) cause C) source D) divorce    
      5。 The Great Wall was made not only of stone; but of the and blood of millions of men。    
      A) fish B) fresh C) flesh D) flash    
      6。 Female workers like to in the office。    
      A) gasp B) grasp C gossip D) gasoline    
      7。 A Swedish wanted to join Napoleon’s Army。    
      A) granted B) greatness C) gigantic D) great    
      8。 He came back last night。    
      A) late B) later C) lately D) latterly    
      9。 He injured his hands in the 。    
      A) worship B) workshop    
      C) warship D) relationship    
      10。 He is in of this bothering task。    
      A) change B) charge C) chant D) chard    
      Can not be bought; can not be sold; even if it’s made of gold。    

unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 5

      1。 A。 This plane is in the (过程)of the flight。    
      B。 What’s the (原因)of the acomident?    
      C。 Where is the (源头)of the river?    
      2。 A。 Many (式样)of bicycles are on show。    
      B。 Fill in the blanks with proper (情态的)verbs。    
      3。 A。 Little light (闪现)on the wall。    
      B。 The Great Wall was made not only of stone; but of the (肉体)and blood of millions of men。    
      C。 These are (新鲜的)vegetables。    
      4。 A。 He asked the man in the water to (抓)the rope。    
      B。 The people (喘气)at the cruelty of the bad boss。    
      5。 A。 The Department of Education gave him a (奖章)for his good work。    
      B。 This spear is made of (金属)。    
      6。 A。 There are seven (奇迹)in the world。    
      B。 I saw him (徘徊)in the street。    
      7。 A。 The boy was (发抖)with cold。    
      B。 There is a (寺院)on the top of the hill。    
      8。 A。 He (摸)me on the forehead with his left hand。    
      B。 The boss is very (粗暴)。    
      9。 A。 We have friends (遍及)the world。    
      B。 The Xiang River flows (通过)Changsha。    
      C。 The doctor gave the boy a (彻底的)examination。    
      D。 (虽然)he is a student; he knows a lot。    
      10。 A。 The old man was (挨饿)to death。    
      B。 The teacher (凝视)the class into silence。    
      11。 A。 The whole nation was in deep (悲哀)at this news。    
      B。 The road is so (狭窄的)that two cars can’t pass。    
      12。 A。 She got a (严重的)illness。    
      B。 Don’t be (好奇的)about everything。    
      C。 He felt (紧张的)when he said it to her。    
      13。 A。 There are seven heads of (牛)in the meadow。    
      B。 The (战斗)was over soon。    
      C。 How many (瓶)of beer are there on the table?    
      14。 A。 Beijing is the (首都)of China。    
      B。 He is a (上尉)in an army。    
      15。 A。 This (技术的)school was set up in 1960。    
      B。 The violinist’s (技巧)was excellent。    
      16。 A。 I (想)he’ll pass the examination。    
      B。 He is an (专家)on foreign affairs。    
      17。 A。 The (质量)of this kind of paper is quite good。    
      B。 He has a large (数量)of books。    
      18。 A。 The village had already been (抛弃)when the enemy arrived。    
      B。 There are (许多)supplies of wood in the forest。    
      19。 A。 The two parties (冲突)with each other on the question of tax deduction。    
      B。 The city police held a campaign to (压制)all kinds of crimes。    
      C。 The table overturned and the trays (摔)down the ground to pieces。    
      20。 A。 He quitted because he did not think it was worth (竞争)for。    
      B。 You can choose any part of the book to read acomording to the table of    
      C。 My parents would never (同意)to such an unsuitable marriage。    
      21。 A。 He has (致力)his whole life to the national sports development。    
      B。 The foreign visitors were amazed at the (精致)traditional Chinese works of art。    
      22。 A。 His smile seemed to indicate his (含蓄的)consent to the way of my handling the matter。    
      B。 The doctor patiently gave Tom (明确的)instructions about taking these medicines。    
      23。 A。 If you lose the bet; you should clear away all the (脏乱)in the house。    
      B。 Sorry; I cannot stay with you tonight as I have a (多)of work to do。    
      24。 A。 A good (原则)is not to borrow money you can’t repay。    
      B。 The (主要)reason for changing the job is that he is not getting along well with his superior。    
      25。 A。 Mankind has never stopped his efforts to explore the (外部)world。    
      B。 With an attractive packaging; the beer which is inferior in quality looks quite    
      26。 A。 The official was sent to (设计)the work of controlling the flood in that area。    
      B。 He’s been (复习)his notes all week for the coming history examination。    
      27。 A。 He likes to wear suits made of fine cotton instead of (粗糙的)material。    
      B。 He called upon God to (诅咒)his cruel and ungrateful son。    
      28。 A。 Every one of the audience (鼓掌)when the tenor finished his song。    
      B。 Grandpa had his grandson on his (膝盖)and read him a story。    
      29。 A。 The official was arrested soon after he was found to have acomepted (贿赂)。    
      B。 The (新娘)was worried about her future the day before h
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