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eption; so I must repeat his explanation。
“My mother’s name was Eyre; she had two brothers; one a clergyman; who married Miss Jane Reed; of Gateshead; the other; John Eyre; Esq。; merchant; late of Funchal; Madeira。 Mr。 Briggs; being Mr。 Eyre’s solicitor; wrote to us last August to inform us of our uncle’s death; and to say that he had left his property to his brother the clergyman’s orphan daughter; overlooking us; in consequence of a quarrel; never forgiven; between him and my father。 He wrote again a few weeks since; to intimate that the heiress was lost; and asking if we knew anything of her。 A name casually written on a slip of paper has enabled me to find her out。 You know the rest。” Again he was going; but I set my back against the door。
“Do let me speak;” I said; “let me have one moment to draw breath and reflect。” I paused—he stood before me; hat in hand; looking posed enough。 I resumed—
“Your mother was my father’s sister?”
“My aunt; consequently?”
He bowed。
“My uncle John was your uncle John? You; Diana; and Mary are his sister’s children; as I am his brother’s child?”
“You three; then; are my cousins; half our blood on each side flows from the same source?”
“We are cousins; yes。”
I surveyed him。 It seemed I had found a brother: one I could be proud of;—one I could love; and two sisters; whose qualities were such; that; when I knew them but as mere strangers; they had inspired me with genuine affection and admiration。 The two girls; on whom; kneeling down on the wet ground; and looking through the low; latticed window of Moor House kitchen; I had gazed with so bitter a mixture of interest and despair; were my near kinswomen; and the young and stately gentleman who had found me almost dying at his threshold was my blood relation。 Glorious discovery to a lonely wretch! This was wealth indeed!—wealth to the heart!—a mine of pure; genial affections。 This was a blessing; bright; vivid; and exhilarating;—not like the ponderous gift of gold: rich and wele enough in its way; but sobering from its weight。 I now clapped my hands in sudden joy—my pulse bounded; my veins thrilled。
“Oh; I am glad!—I am glad!” I exclaimed。
St。 John smiled。 “Did I not say you neglected essential points to pursue trifles?” he asked。 “You were serious when I told you you had got a fortune; and now; for a matter of no moment; you are excited。”
“What can you mean? It may be of no moment to you; you have sisters and don’t care for a cousin; but I had nobody; and now three relations;—or two; if you don’t choose to be counted;—are born into my world full…grown。 I say again; I am glad!”
I walked fast through the room: I stopped; half suffocated with the thoughts that rose faster than I could receive; prehend; settle them:… thoughts of what might; could; would; and should be; and that ere long。 I looked at the blank wall: it seemed a sky thick with ascending stars;—every one lit me to a purpose or delight。 Those who had saved my life; whom; till this hour; I had loved barrenly; I could now benefit。 They were under a yoke;—I could free them: they were scattered;—I could reunite them: the independence; the affluence which was mine; might be theirs too。 Were we not four? Twenty thousand pounds shared equally would be five thousand each; justice—enough and to spare: justice would be done;—mutual happiness secured。 Now the wealth did not weigh on me: now it was not a mere bequest of coin;—it was a legacy of life; hope; enjoyment。
How I looked while these ideas were taking my spirit by storm; I cannot tell; but I perceived soon that Mr。 Rivers had placed a chair behind me; and was gently attempting to make me sit down on it。 He also advised me to be posed; I scorned the insinuation of helplessness and distraction; shook off his hand; and began to walk about again。
“Write to Diana and Mary to…morrow;” I said; “and tell them to e home directly。 Diana said they would both consider themselves rich with a thousand pounds; so with five thousand they will do very well。”
“Tell me where I can get you a glass of water;” said St。 John; “you must really make an effort to tranquillise your feelings。”
“Nonsense! and what sort of an effect will the bequest have on you? Will it keep you in England; induce you to marry Miss Oliver; and settle down like an ordinary mortal?”
“You wander: your head bees confused。 I have been too abrupt in municating the news; it has excited you beyond your strength。”
“Mr。 Rivers! you quite put me out of patience: I am rational enough; it is you who misunderstand; or rather who affect to misunderstand。”
“Perhaps; if you explained yourself a little more fully; I should prehend better。”
“Explain! What is there to explain? You cannot fail to see that twenty thousand pounds; the sum in question; divided equally between the nephew and three nieces of our uncle; will give five thousand to each? What I want is; that you should write to your sisters and tell them of the fortune that has accrued to them。”
“To you; you mean。”
“I have intimated my view of the case: I am incapable of taking any other。 I am not brutally selfish; blindly unjust; or fiendishly ungrateful。 Besides; I am resolved I will have a home and connections。 I like Moor House; and I will live at Moor House; I like Diana and Mary; and I will attach myself for life to Diana and Mary。 It would please and benefit me to have five thousand pounds; it would torment and oppress me to have twenty thousand; which; moreover; could never be mine in justice; though it might in law。 I abandon to you; then; what is absolutely superfluous to me。 Let there be no opposition; and no discussion about it; let us agree amongst each other; and decide the point at once。”
“This is acting on first impulses; you must take days to consider such a matter; ere your word can be regarded as valid。”
“Oh! if all you doubt is my sincerity; I am easy: you see the justice of the case?”
“I do see a certain justice; but it is contrary to all custom。 Besides; the entire fortune is your right: my uncle gained it by his own efforts; he was free to leave it to whom he would: he left it to you。 After all; justice permits you to keep it: you may; with a clear conscience; consider it absolutely your own。”
“With me;” said I; “it is fully as much a matter of feeling as of conscience: I must indulge my feelings; I so seldom have had an opportunity of doing so。 Were you to argue; object; and annoy me for a year; I could not forego the delicious pleasure of which I have caught a glimpse—that of repaying; in part; a mighty obligation; and winning to myself lifelong friends。”
“You think so now;” rejoined St。 John; “because you do not know what it is to possess; nor consequently to enjoy wealth: you cannot form a notion of the importance twenty thousand pounds would give you; of the place it would enable you to take in society; of the prospects it would open to you: you cannot—”
“And you;” I interrupted; “cannot at all imagine the craving I have for fraternal and sisterly love。 I never had a home; I never had brothers or sisters; I must and will have them now: you are not reluctant to admit me and own me; are you?”
“Jane; I will be your brother—my sisters will be your sisters— without stipulating for this sacrifice of your just rights。”
“Brother? Yes; at the distance of a thousand leagues! Sisters? Yes; slaving amongst strangers! I; wealthy—gorged with gold I never earned and do not merit! You; penniless! Famous equality and fraternisation! Close union! Intimate attachment!”
“But; Jane; your aspirations after family ties and domestic happiness may be realised otherwise than by the means you contemplate: you may marry。”
“Nonsense; again! Marry! I don’t want to marry; and never shall marry。”
“That is saying too much: such hazardous affirmations are a proof of the excitement under which you labour。”
“It is not saying too much: I know what I feel; and how averse are my inclinations to the bare thought of marriage。 No one would take me for love; and I will not be regarded in the light of a mere money speculation。 And I do not want a stranger—unsympathising; alien; different from me; I want my kindred: those with whom I have full fellow…feeling。 Say again you will be my brother: when you uttered the words I was satisfied; happy; repeat them; if you can; repeat them sincerely。”
“I think I can。 I know I have always loved my own sisters; and I know on what my affection for them is grounded;—respect for their worth and admiration of their talents。 You too have principle and mind: your tastes and habits resemble Diana’s and Mary’s; your presence is always agreeable to me; in your conversation I have already for some time found a salutary solace。 I feel I can easily and naturally make room in my heart for you; as my third and youngest sister。”
“Thank you: that contents me for to…night。 Now you had better go; for if you stay longer; you will perhaps irritate me afresh by some mistrustful scruple。”
“And the school; Miss Eyre? It must now be shut up; I suppose?”
“No。 I will retain my post of mistress till you get a substitute。”
He smiled approbation: we shook hands; and he took leave。
I need not narrate in detail the further struggles I had; and arguments I used; to get matters regarding the legacy settled as I wished。 My task was a very hard one; but; as I was absolutely resolved—as my cousins saw at length that my mind was really and immutably fixed on making a just division of the property—as they must in their own hearts have felt the equity of the intention; and must; besides; have been innately conscious that in my place they would have done precisely what I wished to do—they yielded at length so far as to consent to put the affair to arbitration。 The judges chosen were Mr。 Oliver and an able lawyer: both coincided in my opinion: I carried my point。 The instruments of transfer were drawn out: St。 John; Diana; Mary; and I; each became possessed of a petency。
Chapter 33
It was near Christmas by the time all was settled: the season of general holiday approached。 I now closed Morton school; taking care that the parting should not be barren on my side。 Good fortune opens the hand as well as the heart wonderfully; and to give somewhat when we have largely received; is but to afford a vent to the unusual ebullition of the sensations。 I had long felt with pleasure that many of my rustic scholars liked me; and when we parted; that consciousness was confirmed: they manifested their affection plainly and strongly。 Deep was my gratification to find I had really a place in their unsophisticated hearts: I promised them that never a week should pass in future that I did not visit them; and give them an hour’s teaching in their school。
Mr。 Rivers came up as; having seen the classes; now numbering sixty girls; file out before me; and locked the door; I stood with the key in my hand; exchanging a few words of special farewell with some half…dozen of my best scholars: as decent; respectable; modest; and well…informed young women as could be found in the ranks of the British peasantry。 And that is saying a great deal; for after all; the British peasantry are the best taught; best mannered; most self… respecting of any in Europe: since those days I have seen paysannes and Bauerinnen; and the best of them seemed to me ignorant; coarse; and besotted; pared with my Morton girls。
“Do you consider you have got your reward for a season of exertion?” asked Mr。 Rivers; when they were gone。 “Does not the consciousness of having done some real good in your day and generation give pleasure?”
“And you have only toiled a few months! Would not a life devoted to the task of regenerating your race be well spent?”
“Yes;” I said; “but I could not go on for ever so: I want to enjoy my own faculties as well as to cultivate those of other people。 I must enjoy them now; don’t recall either my mind or body to the school; I am out of it and disposed for full holiday。”
He looked grave。 “What now? What sudden eagerness is this you evince? What are you going to do?”
“To be active: as active as I can。 And first I must beg you to set Hannah at liberty; and get somebody else to wait on you。”
“Do you w
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