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ce was as unworried as if this was yet another drill at my estate。
 The column trotted into that fold in the ground and was out of sight。 〃Now;〃 Janos said; 〃now we shall finally find what intent these men have for us。〃 But we didn't。 Seconds became minutes; and the pany of horsemen did not reappear from the dip。 〃How interesting;〃 Janos observed。 〃There is not even room enough for that many horsemen to rein in without going ass over heads。 Two men! Forward to that dip! Not that you'll find anything。〃
 Just as he had guessed; the two scouts shouted back that the fold was quite empty。 〃Even more interesting;〃 Janos said; sounding unconcerned。 〃The first possibility; which I doubt; is that we surprised them by our presence and our readiness to fight。 The second is they; or rather whoever orders them; are trying to weaken our resolve。 The third; which is only logical; is the mander of that legion is as unsure of us as we are of him。 The fourth; which is the one to which I subscribe; is that attempting to second guess a truly great Evocator is like pissing into the wind… satisfying when it begins; but unproductive; messy; and embarrassing as events unfold。 Marching order! We move on!〃 And so we did; with no further excitement。 But we journeyed more slowly; wearing armor and keeping our weapons at ready。
 On the following day we were ambushed。 They had laid the trap well; just where the road passed near a rock formation on one side。 On the other; bare ground offered no cover or place to flee; and there was no shelter before or after the site they'd chosen。 Their only mistake was that they should have waited until the center of our party was in the killing zone; rather than striking at our scouts。 Bowstrings twanged; and two of our men shouted and went down; then spears lofted from the boulders。 Someone howled in pain; and our ambushers screamed war cries intended to freeze our blood。 We stood; irresolute for a moment; as one of our animals screamed and reared; two arrows buried in its side。 I heard Janos shout; 〃Into them! Into them! Charge; you bastards!〃 Maeen overleaped one of the wounded men; sword ing out of its sheath; and he ran into the mouth of the ambush。 I saw an arrow chang off a rock next to him; then he darted behind a boulder。 I; too; was running; my blade in my hand; and behind me I heard more shouts; battle shouts this time。 I crashed through brush; around a boulder; and a man was there; arm drawing bowstring and loosing; and I do not know where that arrow went as my slash took off his arm。 Blood fountained and he cried out。 Another man was there; sword up and parrying my cut。 I recovered; half falling to avoid his thrust and awkwardly cutting at him。 My blade clanged against armor; and I was against his chest; and we swayed together。 I forehead butted; smashing his nose; and he reeled back; stumbling。 Before he could regain his balance; I lunged into a full bout; my blade burying itself to the hilt in his groin。 I nearly lost my sword as he fell; but recovered and put him out of misery。 An arrow thudded into the hard ground beside me; and I looked up to see an archer on a boulder just above me; he wore a steel capeline; and his hand was plucking another shaft from his belt quiver and fitting it to bowstring; fingers smoothly drawing back。 I saw death in his eyes; death on the tip of that war arrow aimed into my face; as Janos' hurled dagger thudded butt first into his chest。 The archer dropped his bow; stumbled back; and crashed down from his boulder。 I heard bones snap; and he shouted pain。 I was upon him then; and his head went spinning in gore as I cut with all my power。
 Then there was no one left to slay。 I sagged against rocks and had a short; but quite impressive attack of the shakes。 I came back 。。。 and looked about eight enemy bodies were strewn among the rocks。 〃Eight against twenty;〃 Janos said; with a bit of admiration。 〃They were not afraid; knowing surprise doubles and doubles once more your force。〃
 He retrieved his dagger and looked at it skeptically。 〃Why is it;〃 he mused; 〃in heroic epics when the hero hurls his knife; it always strikes the villain just to the heart? Oh well; at least I hit him。 I was quite startled to not impale the boulder itself。〃
 I thanked him。 Once again; my life had been saved。 Janos smiled and tried to break the tension with a jest。 〃Actually; the reason I threw that blade was to have the opportunity to discuss that wonderful lunge with which you impaled that first swordsman。 It would have scored you a great victory 。。。 on the mats。 If we were in barracks; I would make an example of you for stupid derring…do; and put you on the kitchen detail for a week。〃
 〃Thank you; Sir Greycloak。〃 I laughed。 〃You sound like one of my old tutors。 Although; e to think of it; he was one of the few who had anything of value to say。〃
 I turned my attention to the bowman and then the swordsman I had killed。 I; too; had been hardened by experience; able to evaluate a corpse rather than turn green and then away。 〃They were well armored; and armed;〃 I said。 〃All in uniform attire。 So they are not bandits。 And I don't believe they were the foot soldier's equivalent of our Watchers。〃
 Janos was pale。 〃I can tell you who they are;〃 he said。 〃Lycanthians。 Look at that man's boots。 Or the style of his armor 。。。 or the hilt on that blade over there。 I carried such a sword myself when I first served them。〃
 〃But what are they doing here! They couldn't have followed us;〃 I said。 〃They could not have passed us hi our journey。 Or I do not think so; anyway。〃
 Janos knelt over the swordsman's body and searched it。 There were a few coins…Lycanthian…in the man's pouch。 〃Did you notice;〃 he began; 〃that even though these men were all Lycanthian; they bore no banner or standard? Nor are there markings on their breastplates。〃 He got up。 〃Sergeant Maeen!〃
 〃Have all the bodies stripped。 Pile the carcasses。 Search their possessions; and bring what you find to me。〃
 〃Yes; sir!〃
 While we awaited the results of Maeen's search; we began the grisly afterwork of a battle。 Amazingly; we had lost no one。 The first two men struck by arrows would not only live; but quickly heal; although one bled greatly from a wound in his thigh that required several of Janos' spells before it sealed itself; and was then poulticed and bandaged。 The other man's wounds were less severe…the arrow had struck pletely through his arm; but then blunted itself on his breastplate。 The other men who had suffered wounds appeared gory sights; but the sword slashes and a single dagger thrust would quickly heal; especially with Janos' magical art to help speed recovery。 The man wounded in the thigh and one other would ride for some days; but everyone else was but walking wounded。 The Watchers' appearance had inadvertently prepared us for this ambush。 If; indeed; it was inadvertent。
 My bemused wonderings about the ghostly riders' intent; in spite of Janos' caution against trying to prognosticate a prognosticator; was broken。 Sergeant Maeen had found something: it was a small emblem that had been worn on a neck chain。 Wordlessly; Janos held it out。 I did not need any explanation。 I had seen that emblem on the breastplates of soldiers quartering the country outside Lycanth for us。 I had also seen it worked in marble in the courtyard of a great estate in the center of that evil city。 It was the house emblem of Nisou Symeon。
 THE ROAD LED back to the river and stopped at a series of stone docks intended for small river craft。 There were no boats moored there。 Janos found a bit of rope hanging from an iron bitt; it was gray and old。 It had been a long time since watercraft had harbored in this place。 From here we would travel in a manner more familiar to me than this incessant mountain trekking。 I was about to order camp set and a working party go out and cut lumber for rafts when I recollected the splinters of the sunken craft Janos had found where the Shore People had once lived。
 He was already taking the bits of wood out and preparing his spell。 〃This is simple;〃 he said as he chalked arcane symbols on the stone landing and drew six closed ellipses next to them。 〃It is hardly revolutionary to realize anything once part of a whole may bee that whole itself。 And if the gods smile on my efforts; I shall add a spell of renewal to this casting。〃
 He put a bit of wood into each ellipse and began his spell。 I knew what would e next and should have found Janos' skills monplace by now。 But such was not the case。 I gave orders to break the animals' packs down into six equal packs; each to contain the same items as much as possible to lessen the catastrophe should a canoe capsize; then returned to the landing to gape like a gossoon。 The casting took only a few minutes; then the air shimmered; became hard to look at; and there were six canoes on the dock。 But instead of being exact replicas of the gray; waterlogged wreck we'd pulled from the river; these were shiny and new; as if each had just been shaped; sanded; pegged together; and oiled。
 This bit of magic; which Janos had dubbed 〃simple;〃 seemed to awe the soldiers more than other spells had。 Janos smiled at this。 〃Now you see why Evocators perform much of their work in darkness and secrecy。 Each witness to my canoe building; once he recovers from seeing the mystic bee physical; will wonder why such an event; or others like it; should not be monplace。 Why should his wife; for instance; have to pay a tinsmith to hammer out a new pot when the neighborhood sage could reshape the old one; or even a fragment thereof; with a few words for a copper or two?〃
 〃An excellent question;〃 I said。 〃Why not; indeed?〃 
 〃If you made your living as a tinsmith; or a miner; or a smelter; or a boat builder in this instance; you would certainly know the answer。 This might be the conundrum our age may pose…at what point could sorcery; freely available to all; bee a force for ill instead of good?〃
 〃Easy answer; sir;〃 Sergeant Maeen said; having approached us quietly。 〃When we all have magical mansions and live like we're in the Far Kingdoms; we can sit back; order our sprites to open another hogshead of wine; and then debate the matter at length。〃 〃At that time;〃 Janos said; amused; 〃it will be too late。〃 
 〃Well; sir; then we'll have the answer; won't we? Meantime; we have the loads ready; if you two philosophers are ready to travel。〃
 The canoes were launched; loaded; and we made up crews… making certain someone with water experience was on each craft。 The hardest thing was leaving our faithful animals behind。 There was provenance enough; and one of the drovers said many of the plants around favored mild weather; so he doubted winter would turn the valley into a frozen wasteland。 We had seen no predators that might batten off the animals; and I knew few hunting beasts are stupid or hungry enough to attack the wily ass。 Our journey had brought our asses nothing but exhaustion; thirst; pain; and even death。 Here; they could grow fat and breed and even bray; as Janos lifted the spell of silence they had been burdened with。 But still; when we cast off; and four of the beasts stood on the dockside; gray liquid eyes sorrowing after us; and we heard one great bleat as we floated out of sight; we were silent with guilt
 The river grew mightily; as other streams foamed down from their own birthplaces and joined it。 Our boats flew downstream; tossing and pitching; spray cascading until sometimes we could not make out our proper course。 Again; our speed was both fast and slow。 We hurtled down cascades; desperately fending the boats away from knife…deep boulders with our paddles; or sliding down league…long chutes like otters down mud slides。 Twice boats capsized; and we spent hours fishing packs and men from the churning waters。 By Te…Date's grace; no one drowned。
 Sometimes we were forced to beach our craft and laboriously portage them and the packs around rapids or falls too dangerous to chance。 Three or four times we had to leave the river entirely; and use ropes to haul our craft up and down cliffs to navigable waters。 Despite these difficulties; we not only suffered no new injuries; but our wounded men were being as good as new。 Then; slowly; as the river grew broader and deeper; it became cal
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