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〃Freedom is going to Dobby's head; sir; 〃 said Winky sadly。 〃Ideas above his station; sir。 Can't get another position; sir。〃
〃Why not?〃 said Harry。
Winky lowered her voice by a half…octave and whispered; 〃He is wanting paying for his work; sir。〃
〃Paying?〃 said Harry blankly。 〃Well…why shouldn't he be paid?〃
Winky looked quite horrified at the idea and closed her fingers slightly so that her face was half…hidden again。
〃House…elves is not paid; sir!〃 she said in a muffled squeak。 〃No; no; no。 I says to Dobby; I says; go find yourself a nice family and settle down; Dobby。 He is getting up to all sorts of high jinks; sir; what is unbeing to a house…elf。 You goes racketing around like this; Dobby; I says; and next thing I hear you's up in front of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures; like some mon goblin。〃
〃Well; it's about time he had a bit of fun;〃 said Harry。
〃House…elves is not supposed to have fun; Harry Potter;〃 said Winky firmly; from behind her hands。 〃House…elves does what they is told。 I is not liking heights at all; Harry Potter〃…she glanced toward the edge of the box and gulped…〃but my master sends me to the Top Box and I es; sir。〃
〃Why's he sent you up here; if he knows you don't like heights?〃 said Harry; frowning。
〃Master…master wants me to save him a seat; Harry Potter。 He is very busy;〃 said Winky; tilting her head toward the empty space beside her。 〃Winky is wishing she is back in master's tent; Harry Potter; but Winky does what she is told。 Winky is a good house…elf。〃
She gave the edge of the box another frightened look and hid her eyes pletely again。 Harry turned back to the others。
〃So that's a house…elf?〃 Ron muttered。 〃Weird things; aren't they?〃
〃Dobby was weirder;〃 said Harry fervently。
Ron pulled out his Omnioculars and started testing them; staring down into the crowd on the other side of the stadium。
〃Wild!〃 he said; twiddling the replay knob on the side。 I can make that old bloke down there pick his nose again 。。。and again 。。。and again。。。〃
Hermione; meanwhile; was skimming eagerly through her velvetcovered; tasseled program。
〃'A display from the team mascots will precede the match;〃' she read aloud。
〃Oh that's always worth watching;〃 said Mr。 Weasley。 〃National teams bring creatures from their native land; you know; to put on a bit of a show。〃
The box filled gradually around them over the next half hour。 Mr。 Weasley kept shaking hands with people who were obviously very important wizards。 Percy jumped to his feet so often that he looked as though he were trying to sit on a hedgehog。 When Cornelius Fudge; the Minister of Magic himself; arrived; Percy bowed so low that his glasses fell off and shattered。 Highly embarrassed; he repaired them with his wand and thereafter remained in his seat; throwing jealous looks at Harry; whom Cornelius Fudge had greeted like an old friend。 They had met before; and Fudge shook Harry's hand in a fatherly fashion; asked how he was; and introduced him to the wizards on either side of him。
〃Harry Potter; you know;〃 he told the Bulgarian minister loudly; who was wearing splendid robes of black velvet trimmed with gold and didn't seem to understand a word of English。 〃Harry Potter 。。。oh e on now; you know who he is 。。。the boy who survived You…Know…Who 。。。you do know who he is…〃
The Bulgarian wizard suddenly spotted Harry's scar and started gabbling loudly and excitedly; pointing at it。
〃Knew we'd get there in the end;〃 said Fudge wearily to Harry。 〃I'm no great shakes at languages; I need Barty Crouch for this sort of thing。 Ah; I see his house…elf's saving him a seat。。。 Good job too; these Bulgarian blighters have been trying to cadge all the best places 。。。ah; and here's Lucius!〃
Harry; Ron; and Hermione turned quickly。 Edging along the second row to three still…empty seats right behind Mr。 Weasley were none other than Dobby the house…elf's former owners: Lucius Malfoy; his son; Draco; and a woman Harry supposed must be Draco's mother。
Harry and Draco Malfoy had been enemies ever since their very first journey to Hogwarts。 A pale boy with a pointed face and white…blond hair; Draco greatly resembled his father。 His mother was blonde too; tall and slim; she would have been nice…looking if she hadn't been wearing a look that suggested there was a nasty smell under her nose。
〃Ah; Fudge;〃 said Mr。 Malfoy; holding out his hand as he reached the Minister of Magic。 〃How are you? I don't think you've met my wife; Narcissa? Or our son; Draco?〃
〃How do you do; how do you do?〃 said Fudge; smiling and bowing to Mrs。 Malfoy。 〃And allow me to introduce you to Mr。 Oblansk…Obalonsk…Mr。…well; he's the Bulgarian Minister of Magic; and he can't understand a word I'm saying anyway; so never mind。 And let's see who else…you know Arthur Weasley; I daresay?〃
It was a tense moment。 Mr。 Weasley and Mr。 Malfoy looked at each other and Harry vividly recalled the last time they had e face…to…face: It had been in Flourish and Blotts' bookshop; and they had had a fight。 Mr。 Malfoy's cold gray eyes swept over Mr。 Weasley; and then up and down the row。
〃Good lord; Arthur;〃 he said softly。 〃What did you have to sell to get seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much?〃
Fudge; who wasn't listening; said; 〃Lucius has just given a very generous contribution to St。 Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries; Arthur。 He's here as my guest。〃
〃How…how nice;〃 said Mr。 Weasley; with a very strained smile。
Mr。 Malfoy's eyes had returned to Hermione; who went slightly pink; but stared determinedly back at him。 Harry knew exactly what was making Mr。 Malfoy's lip curl like that。 The Malfoys prided themselves on being purebloods; in other words; they considered anyone of Muggle descent; like Hermione; second…class。 However; under the gaze of the Minister of Magic; Mr。 Malfoy didn't dare say anything。 He nodded sneeringly to Mr。 Weasley and continued down the line to his seats。 Draco shot Harry; Ron; and Hermione one contemptuous look; then settled himself between his mother and father。
〃Slimy gits;〃 Ron muttered as he; Harry; and Hermione turned to face the field again。 Next moment; Ludo Bagman charged into the box。
〃Everyone ready?〃 he said; his round face gleaming like a great; excited Edam。 〃Minister…ready to go?〃
〃Ready when you are; Ludo;〃 said Fudge fortably。
Ludo whipped out his wand; directed it at his own throat; and said 〃Sonorus!〃 and then spoke over the roar of sound that was now filling the packed stadium; his voice echoed over them; booming into every corner of the stands。
〃Ladies and gentlemen。。。 wele! Wele to the final of the four hundred and twenty…second Quidditch World Cup!〃
The spectators screamed and clapped。 Thousands of flags waved; adding their discordant national anthems to the racket。 The huge blackboard opposite them was wiped clear of its last message (Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans…A Risk With Every Mouthful!) and now showed BULGARIA: 0; IRELAND: 0。
〃And now; without further ado; allow me to introduce。。。 the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!〃
The right…hand side of the stands; which was a solid block of scarlet; roared its approval。
〃I wonder what they've brought;〃 said Mr。 Weasley; leaning forward in his seat。 〃Aaah!〃 He suddenly whipped off his glasses and polished them hurriedly on his robes。 〃Veela!〃
〃What are veel …?〃
But a hundred veela were now gliding out onto the field; and Harry's question was answered for him。 Veela were women。。。 the most beautiful women Harry had ever seen。。。 except that they weren't…they couldn't be…human。 This puzzled Harry for a moment while he tried to guess what exactly they could be; what could make their skin shine moon…bright like that; or their white…gold hair fan out behind them without wind。。。 but then the music started; and Harry stopped worrying about them not being human…in fact; he stopped worrying about anything at all。
The veela had started to dance; and Harry's mind had gone pletely and blissfully blank。 All that mattered in the world was that he kept watching the veela; because if they stopped dancing; terrible things would happen。
And as the veela danced faster and faster; wild; half…formed thoughts started chasing through Harry's dazed mind。 He wanted to do something very impressive; right now。 Jumping from the box into the stadium seemed a good idea。。。 but would it be good enough?
〃Harry; what are you doing?〃 said Hermione's voice from a long way off。
The music stopped。 Harry blinked。 He was standing up; and one of his legs was resting on the wall of the box。 Next to him; Ron was frozen in an attitude that looked as though he were about to dive from a springboard。
Angry yells were filling the stadium。 The crowd didn't want the veela to go。 Harry was with them; he would; of course; be supporting Bulgaria; and he wondered vaguely why he had a large green shamrock pinned to his chest。 Ron; meanwhile; was absentmindedly shredding the shamrocks on his hat。 Mr。 Weasley; smiling slightly; leaned over to Ron and tugged the hat out of his hands。
〃You'll be wanting that;〃 he said; 〃once Ireland have had their say。〃
〃Huh?〃 said Ron; staring openmouthed at the veela; who had now lined up along one side of the field。
Hermione made a loud tutting noise。 She reached up and pulled Harry back into his seat。 〃Honestly!〃 she said。
〃And now;〃 roared Ludo Bagman's voice; 〃kindly put your wands in the air。。。 for the Irish National Team Mascots!〃
Next moment; what seemed to be a great green…and…gold et came zooming into the stadium。 It did one circuit of the stadium; then split into two smaller ets; each hurtling toward the goal posts。 A rainbow arced suddenly across the field; connecting the two balls of light。 The crowd oooohed and aaaaahed; as though at a fireworks display。 Now the rainbow faded and the balls of light reunited and merged; they had formed a great shimmering shamrock; which rose up into the sky and began to soar over the stands。 Something like golden rain seemed to be falling from it…〃Excellent!〃 yelled Ron as the shamrock soared over them; and heavy gold coins rained from it; bouncing off their heads and seats。 Squinting up at the shamrock; Harry realized that it was actually prised of thousands of tiny little bearded men with red vests; each carrying a minute lamp of gold or green。
〃Leprechauns!〃 said Mr。 Weasley over the tumultuous applause of the crowd; many of whom were still fighting and rummaging around under their chairs to retrieve the gold。
〃There you go;〃 Ron yelled happily; stuffing a fistful of gold coins into Harry's hand; 〃for the Omnioculars! Now you've got to buy me a Christmas present; ha!〃
The great shamrock dissolved; the leprechauns drifted down onto the field on the opposite side from the veela; and settled themselves cross…legged to watch the match。
〃And now; ladies and gentlemen; kindly wele…the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team! I give you…Dimitrov!〃
A scarlet…clad figure on a broomstick; moving so fast it was blurred; shot out onto the field from an entrance far below; to wild applause from the Bulgarian supporters。
A second scarlet…robed player zoomed out。
〃Zograf! Levski! Vulchanov! Volkov! Aaaaaaand…Krum!〃
〃That's him; that's him!〃 yelled Ron; following Krum with his Omnioculars。 Harry quickly focused his own。
Viktor Krum was thin; dark; and sallow…skinned; with a large curved nose and thick black eyebrows。 He looked like an overgrown bird of prey。 It was hard to believe he was only eighteen。
〃And now; please greet…the Irish National Quidditch Team!〃 yelled Bagman。 〃Presenting…Connolly! Ryan! Troy! Mullet! Moran! Quigley! Aaaaaand…Lynch!〃
Seven green blurs swept onto the field; Harry spun a small dial on the side of his Omnioculars and slowed the players down enough to read the word 〃Firebolt〃 on each of their brooms and see their names; embroidered in silver; upon their backs。
〃And here; all the way from Egypt; our referee; acclaimed Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch; Hassan Mostafa!〃
A small and skinny wizard; pletely bald but with a mustache to rival Uncle Vernon's; wearing ro