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;further in and higher up ─cried roonwit and thundered away in a gallop to the west。
and though they did not understand him察the words somehow set them tingling all over。
the boar grunted at them cheerfully。 the bear was just going to mutter that he still didnt understand察when he caught sight of the fruit´trees behind them。 he waddled to those trees as fast as he could and there察no doubt察found something he understood very well。
but the dogs remained察wagging their tails察and poggin remained察shaking hands with everyone and grinning all over his honest face。 and jewel leaned his snowy white head over the kings shoulder and the king whispered in jewels ear。 then everyone turned his attention again to what could be seen through the doorway。
the dragons and giant lizards now had narnia to themselves。 they went to and fro tearing up the trees by the roots and crunching them up as if they were sticks of rhubarb。
minute by minute the forests disappeared。 the whole country became bare and you could see all sorts of things about its shape ´ all the little humps and hollows which you had never noticed before。 the grass died。 soon tirian found that he was looking at a world of bare rock and earth。 you could hardly believe that anything had ever lived there。 the monsters themselves grew old and lay down and died。 their flesh shrivelled up and the bones appeared此soon they were only huge skeletons that lay here and there on the dead rock察looking as if they had died thousands of years ago。 for a long time everything was still。
at last something white ´ a long察level line of whiteness that gleamed in the light of the standing stars ´ came moving towards them from the eastern end of the world。
a widespread noise broke the silence此first a murmur then a rumble察then a roar。 and now they could see what it was that was ing察and how fast it came。 it was a foaming wall of water。 the sea was rising。 in that tree´less world you could see it very well。 you could see all the rivers getting wider and the lakes getting larger察and separate lakes joining into one察and valleys turning into new lakes察and hills turning into islands察 and then those islands vanishing。 and the high moors to their left and the higher mountains to their right crumbled and slipped down with a roar and a splash into the mounting water察 and the water came swirling up to the very threshold of the doorway but never passed it so that the foam splashed about aslans forefeet。 all now was level water from where they stood to where the waters met the sky。
and out there it began to grow light。 a streak of dreary and disastrous dawn spread along the horizon察and widened and grew brighter察till in the end they hardly noticed the light of the stars who stood behind them。 at last the sun came up。 when it did察the lord digory and the lady polly looked at one another and gave a little nod此those two察 in a different world察had once seen a dying sun察and so they knew at once that this sun also was dying。
it was three times ´ twenty times ´ as big as it ought to be察and very dark red。 as its rays fell upon the great time´giant察he turned red too此and in the reflection of that sun the whole waste of shoreless waters looked like blood。
then the moon came up察quite in her wrong position察very close to the sun察 and she also looked red。 and at the sight of her the sun began shooting out great flames察like whiskers or snakes of crimson fire察towards her。 it is as if he were an octopus trying to draw her to himself in his tentacles。 and perhaps he did draw her。 at any rate she came to him察slowly at first察but then more and more quickly察till at last his long flames licked round her and the two ran together and became one huge ball like a burning coal。 great lumps of fire came dropping out of it into the sea and clouds of steam rose up。
then aslan said察 now make an end。
the giant threw his horn into the sea。 then he stretched out one arm ´ very black it looked察and thousands of miles long ´ across the sky till his hand reached the sun。 he took the sun and squeezed it in his hand as you would squeeze an orange。 and instantly there was total darkness。
everyone except aslan jumped back from the ice´cold air which now blew through the doorway。 its edges were already covered with icicles。
;peter察high king of narnia察─said aslan。 ;shut the door。
peter察shivering with cold察leaned out into the darkness and pulled the door to。 it scraped over ice as he pulled it。 then察rather clumsily for even in that moment his hands had gone numb and blue he took out a golden key and locked it。
they had seen strange things enough through that doorway。 but it was stranger than any of them to look round and find themselves in warm daylight察the blue sky above them察flowers at their feet察and laughter in aslans eyes。
he turned swiftly round察crouched lower察lashed himself with his tail and shot away like a golden arrow。
;e further in e further up ─he shouted over his shoulder。 but who could keep up with him at that pace拭they set out walking westward to follow him。
;so察─said peter察 night falls on narnia。 what察lucy youre not crying拭 with aslan ahead察and all of us here垂
;dont try to stop me察peter察─said lucy察 i am sure aslan would not。 i am sure it is not wrong to mourn for narnia。 think of all that lies dead and frozen behind that door。
;yes and i did hope察─said jill察 that it might go on for ever。 i knew our world couldnt。 i did think narnia might。
;i saw it begin察─said the lord digory。 ;i did not think i would live to see it die。
;sirs察─said tirian。 ;the ladies do well to weep。 see察i do so myself。 i have seen my mothers death。 what world but narnia have i ever known拭it were no virtue察 but great discourtesy察if we did not mourn。
they walked away from the door and away from the dwarfs who still sat crowded together in their imaginary stable。 and as they went they talked to one another about old wars and old peace and ancient kings and all the glories of narnia。
the dogs were still with them。 they joined in the conversation but not much because they were too busy racing on ahead and racing back and rushing off to sniff at smells in the grass till they made themselves sneeze。 suddenly they picked up a scent which seemed to excite them very much。 they all started arguing about it ´ ;yes it is ´ no it isnt ´ thats just what i said ´ anyone can smell what that is ´ take your great nose out of the way and let someone else smell。
;what is it察cousins拭─said peter。
;a calormene察sire察─said several dogs at once。
;lead on to him察then察─said peter。 ;whether he meets us in peace or war察 he shall be wele。
the dogs darted on ahead and came back a moment later察running as if their lives depended on it察and barking loudly to say that it really was a calormene。 talking dogs察
just like the mon ones察behave as if they thought whatever they are doing at the moment immensely important。
the others followed where the dogs led them and found a young calormene sitting under a chestnut tree beside a clear stream of water。 it was emeth。 he rose at once and bowed gravely。
;sir察─he said to peter察 i know not whether you are my friend or my foe察 but i should count it my honour to have you for either。 has not one of the poets said that a noble friend is the best gift and a noble enemy the next best垂
;sir察─said peter察 i do not know that there need be any war between you and us。
;do tell us who you are and whats happened to you察─said jill。
;if theres going to be a story察lets all have a drink and sit down察─ barked the dogs。
;were quite blown。
;well of course you will be if you keep tearing about the way you have done察─said eustace。
so the humans sat down on the grass。 and when the dogs had all had a very noisy drink out of the stream they all sat down察bolt upright察panting察with their tongues hanging out of their heads a little on one side to hear the story。 but jewel remained standing察polishing his horn against his side。
further up and further in ;know察o warlike kings察─said emeth察 and you察o ladies whose beauty illuminates the universe察that i am emeth the seventh son of harpha tarkaan of the city of tehishbaan察westward beyond the desert。 i came lately into narnia with nine and twenty others under the mand of rishda tarkaan now when i first heard that we should march upon narnia i rejoiced察for i had heard many things of your land and desired greatly to meet you in battle。 but when i found that we were to go in disguised as merchants which is a shameful dress for a warrior and the son of a tarkaan and to work by lies and trickery察then my joy departed from me。 and most of all when i found we must wait upon a monkey察and when it began to be said that tash and aslan were one察then the world became dark in my eyes。 for always since i was a boy i have served tash and my great desire was to know more of him察if it might be察to look upon his face。 but the name of aslan was hateful to me。
;and察as you have seen察we were called together outside the straw´roofed hovel察night after night察and the fire was kindled察and the ape brought forth out of the hovel something upon four legs that i could not well see。 and the people and the beasts bowed down and did honour to it。 but i thought察the tarkaan is deceived by the ape此for this thing that es out of the stable is neither tash nor any other god。 but when i watched the tarkaans face察and marked every word that he said to the monkey察then i changed my mind此for i saw that the tarkaan did not believe in it himself。 and then i understood that he did not believe in tash at all此for if he had察how could he dare to mock him
;when i understood this察a great rage fell upon me and i wondered that the true tash did not strike down both the monkey and the tarkaan with fire from heaven。 nevertheless i hid my anger and held my tongue and waited to see how it would end。 but last night察as some of you know察the monkey brought not forth the yellow thing but said that all who desired to look upon tashlan ´ for so they mixed the two words to pretend that they were all one ´ must pass one by one into the hovel。 and i said to myself察 doubtless this is some other deception。 but when the cat had followed in and had e out again in a madness of terror察then i said to myself察surely the true tash察whom they called on without knowledge or belief察has now e among us察and will avenge himself。 and though my heart was turned into water inside me because of the greatness and terror of tash察yet my desire was stronger than my fear察and i put force upon my knees to stay them from trembling察and on my teeth that they should not chatter察and resolved to look upon the face of tash though he should slay me。 so i offered myself to go into the hovel察and the tarkaan察though unwillingly察let me go。
;as soon as i had gone in at the door察the first wonder was that i found myself in this great sunlight as we all are now though the inside of the hovel had looked dark from outside。 but i had no time to marvel at this察for immediately i was forced to fight for my head against one of our own men。 as soon as i saw him i understood that the monkey and the tarkaan had set him there to slay any who came in if he were not in their secrets此so that this man also was a liar and a mocker and no true servant of tash。 i had the better will to fight him察and having slain the villain察i cast him out behind me through the door。
;then i looked about me and saw the sky and the wide lands察and smelled the sweetness。
and i said察by the gods察this is a pleasant place此it may be that i am e into the country of tash。 and i began to journey into the strange country and to seek him。
;so i went over much grass and many flowers and among all kinds of wholesome and delectable trees till lo in a narrow place between two rocks there came to meet me a great lion。 the speed of him was like the ostrich察and his size was an elephants察his hair was like pure gold and the brightness of his eyes like gold tha