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    【章名】  Whole Document (法规全文)

(Promulgated by Decree No。 53 of the State Council of the People's
Republic of China on April 6;  1990  and  effective  as  of  the  date  of
    【章名】  Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1
These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of  the
Standardization  Law  of  the  People's  Republic  of  China  (hereinafter
referred to as the Standardization Law)。
Article 2
Standards should be formulated for the  following  technical  requirements
that need to be unified:
(1) varieties; specifications; quality and grades of  industrial  products
or requirements pertinent to safety and hygiene;
(2) methods for design; production; experimentation; examination; packing;
storage;  transportation  and  utilization  of  industrial   products   or
requirements pertinent to safety and hygiene in the course of  production;
storage and transportation;
(3) various technical requirements and methods for examination  concerning
environmental protection;
(4)  technical  requirements  and  methods   for   surveying;   designing;
construction and examination and acceptance in building projects;
(5) technical terms; symbols; codes; drafting methods and requirements for
conversion and  coordination  concerning  industrial  production;  project
construction and environmental protection;
(6) varieties;  specifications;  quality;  grades;  examination;  packing;
storage; transportation and requirements  for  production  technology  and
management expertise concerning agricultural  products  (including  seeds;
seedlings; breeding stock and breeding  poultry  and  those  in  forestry;
animal husbandry and fishery; the same below);
(7) technical requirements concerning information; energy; resources;  and
Article 3
The State develops standardization undertakings in a planned way。
Standardization work should be included in the plans for national economic
and social development at the various levels。
Article 4
The State encourages the adoption of international standards and  advanced
standards  abroad  and  takes  an  active  part  in  the  formulation   of
international standards。
    【章名】  Chapter II Administration of Standardization Work

Article 5
The task for those who are in charge of standardization work is:
formulating standards; organizing  the  implementation  of  standards  and
exercising supervision over the implementation of standards。
Article 6
The petent department in charge  of  standardization  under  the  State
Council  exercises  unified  leadership  over  the  standardization   work
throughout the country; and it performs the following duties:
(1) organizing  the  implementation  of  the  State's  laws;  regulations;
policies and measures concerning standardization;
(2)  organizing  the  formulation  of  programmes  and  plans   concerning
standardization work in the whole country;
(3) organizing the formulation of national standards;
(4) providing guidance to the relevant  petent  departments  under  the
State Council and administrative departments for standardization  work  in
the people's governments in the  provinces;  autonomous  regions  and  the
municipalities  directly   under   the   Central   Government   in   their
standardization work; and coordinating work in this field and dealing with
problems arising therein;
(5) organizing the implementation of standards;
(6) conducting supervision over and inspection on  the  implementation  of
(7) exercising unified leadership over attestation of product  quality  in
the whole country;
(8) taking overall  responsibility  for  professional  contacts  with  the
relevant international standardization organizations。
Article 7
The relevant petent departments under the State Council are responsible
for the standardization work in their  own  departments  or  trades。  They
shall perform the following duties:
(1) implementing the State's  laws;  regulations;  policies  and  measures
concerning standardization work and formulating  specific  procedures  for
their implementation in their departments and trades;
(2) formulating programmes and plans concerning  standardization  work  in
their departments and trades;
(3) undertaking tasks assigned by the State of  drafting  state  standards
and organizing the  formulation  of  the  standards  in  their  respective
(4) providing guidance  to  the  relevant  petent  authorities  in  the
provinces;  autonomous  regions  and  municipalities  directly  under  the
Central Government in their standardization work;
(5) organizing the implementation of the standards  in  their  departments
and trades;
(6) conducting supervision over and inspection on  the  implementation  of
(7) taking charge of attestation of product quality in their own trades on
the  authorization  from   the   petent   department   in   charge   of
standardization under the State Council。

Article 8
The  administrative  departments  for  standardization  in  the   people's
governments  in  the  provinces;  autonomous  regions  and  municipalities
directly under the Central Government  exercise  unified  leadership  over
standardization work in their respective administrative regions; and shall
perform the following duties:
(1) implementing the State's  laws;  regulations;  policies  and  measures
concerning standardization work and formulating  specific  procedures  for
their implementation in their respective administrative regions;
(2) formulating local  programmes  and  plans  concerning  standardization
(3) organizing the formulation of local standards;
(4) providing guidance to the relevant administrative authorities in their
own administrative regions in their standardization work; and coordinating
work in this field and dealing with problems arising therein;
(5) organizing the implementation of the  standards  in  their  respective
administrative regions;
(6) conducting supervision over and inspection on  the  implementation  of
the standards。
Article 9
The  relevant  petent  administrative  authorities  in  the  provinces;
autonomous  regions  and  municipalities  directly   under   the   Central
Government are responsible for  the  standardization  work  in  their  own
departments and trades in the respective administrative regions; and shall
perform the following duties:
(1) implementing the laws; regulations; policies and  measures  concerning
standardization  work  formulated  by  the  State  and  their   respective
departments; trades and administrative regions  and  formulating  specific
procedures for their implementation;
(2) formulating programmes and plans concerning standardization  work  for
their own departments and trades in the respective administrative regions;
(3) undertaking the tasks of drafting  local  standards  assigned  by  the
people's  governments   in   the   provinces;   autonomous   regions   and
municipalities directly under the Central Government;
(4)  organizing  the  implementation  of  the  standards  in   their   own
departments and trades in the respective administrative regions;
(5) conducting supervision over and inspection on  the  implementation  of
the standards。
Article 10
The division of the duties of the administrative departments in charge  of
standardization and the relevant petent administrative  authorities  in
municipalities  and  counties  shall  be  stipulated   by   the   people's
governments  in  the  provinces;  autonomous  regions  and  municipalities
directly under the Central Government。
    【章名】  Chapter III The Formulation of Standards

Article 11
National  standards  (including  making  sample   standards)   should   be
formulated for the  following  technical  requirements  that  need  to  be
unified throughout the country:
(1) requirements for standardizing monly used technical terms;
(2) technical requirements for guaranteeing human health and personal  and
property safety;
(3)  technical  requirements  for  essential  raw  materials;  fuels   and
processed materials;
(4) technical requirements for monly used basic spare parts;
(5) monly used methods of experimentation and examination;
(6) technical requirements for monly used management expertise;
(7) important technical requirements in project construction;
(8) technical requirements for the other important products that  must  be
controlled by the State。
Article 12
In formulating national standards; the administrative department in charge
of standardization under the State Council shall be responsible for making
plans;  organizing  drafting;  examination  and  approval;  numbering  and
promulgation。  In formulating national standards for project construction;
pharmaceuticals;  food  hygiene;  veterinary  medicine  and  environmental
protection; the petent departments in charge of  project  construction;
public health; agriculture and environmental protection  under  the  State
Council shall be responsible for organizing drafting and  examination  and
approval in their respective departments。 The procedures for numbering and
promulgation shall be  formulated  by  the  administrative  department  in
charge of standardization under the State Council in conjunction with  the
relevant petent departments under the State Council。
Where there are; in law; provisions different from  those  above  for  the
formulation of national standards; those provisions in law shall prevail。
Article 13
If there are no national standards for those technical requirements  which
need to be standardized for certain trades throughout the  country;  trade
standards (including the making of sample standards) may be formulated。
Items of trade standards to be  formulated  shall  be  determined  by  the
relevant petent administrative departments under the State Council。
Article 14
In formulating trade  standards;  the  relevant  petent  administrative
departments under the State Council shall be responsible  for  drawing  up
plans;  organizing  drafting;  examination  and  approval;  numbering  and
promulgation and they should report to the  administrative  department  in
charge of standardization under the State Council for the record。
Trade  standards  shall  be  null  and  void   automatically   after   the
corresponding national standards have taken effect。

Article 15
Local  standards  may  be  formulated  for  the  safety   and   sanitation
requirements for  industrial  goods  which  need  to  be  unified  in  the
provinces;  autonomous  regions  and  municipalities  directly  under  the
Central  Government;  in  the  absence  of  national  standards  or  trade
standards for them。 Items of local standards to  be  formulated  shall  be
determined by the administrative departments for  standardization  of  the
people's  governments   in   the   provinces;   autonomous   regions   and
municipalities directly under the Central Government。
Article 16
In  formulating  local  standards;  the  administrative  departments   for
standardization of the people's governments in the  provinces;  autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall  be
responsible for drawing up plans;  organizing  drafting;  examination  and
approval; numbering and  promulgation;  and  they  should  report  to  the
administrative department in charge of  standardization  under  the  State
Council and the relevant petent departments under the Council  for  the
record。  Where there are; in law; provisions different  from  those  above
for the formulation of local standards;  those  provisions  in  law  shall
Local  standards  shall  be  null  and  void   automatically   after   the
corresponding national standards or trade standards go into effect。
Article 17
In the absence of national standards; trade standards and local  standards
for certain  products;  the  enterprises  producing  such  products  shall
formulate their own standards as the basis for organizing production。
Enterprise standards shall  be  formulated  by  the  relevant  enterprises
themselves  (procedures 
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