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专门替中国人写的英语语法 作者:不详-第9部分

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Boy does not like to play the piano。 
Boys do not like to play the piano。 
Girls are more diligent than boys。 
When spring es; flowers start to bloom。 
Dogs are often close to their masters。 
Cats are often quite lazy。 
Men eat more than women。 
Professors are all very smart。 
a cup; two cups 
a boy; three boys 
a teacher 
a student 
a boat 
an airplane 
a glass of water 
a cup of tea 
Time flies。(时间过得很快) 
We can not live without love。 
Let there be no hatred。 
We must be able to endure pain。 
Loving others creates joy。 
There is sadness in his voice。 
Can you feel his kindness? 
He has wisdom。 
There is hope among us。 
I am losing patience。 
This is the time to cry。 
Do you feel the pain? 
There is a hatred towards was in our society。 
Everyone can feel the joy of being loved。 
We just can not avoid the sadness of losing some loved ones。 
He does have the patience to listen to long talks。 
It is a virtue not to steal。 
Drinking water is important。 
Don't play with fire。 
We need air to breath。 
There is metal in this device。 
I don't drink tea。 
I like coffee。 
Father brings bread and butter home every day。 
The water in this city is polluted。 
There was a fire near our home last night。 
The air in this town is getting worse and worse。 
Copper is a metal。 
The tea from India is very popular in England。 
Mary is from Canada。 
John got married last month。 
Taiwan is an island。 
England is in Europe。 
France is a nice country to visit。 
Russia is a large country。 
Park Street is the main street in this city。 
Go to Taipei first。 
Sun Moon Lake is a beautiful lake。 
January is often very cold here。 
Sunday is a day for resting。 
Spring is the best season。 
Mt。 Everest is in Europe。 
President Kennedy died when he was young。 
King George was considered a mad king。 
Queen Elizabeth visited Australia recently。 
(1) 河流,海洋,沙漠,海峡,海湾等等专有名词的前面都要加the。 
the Hudson River (赫德森河) 
the Rhine River (莱茵河) 
the Yellow River (黄河) 
the River Thames (泰唔士河) 
the Amazon River (亚马孙河) 
the Pacific Ocean (太平洋) 
the Red Sea (红海) 
the Mediterranean Sea (地中海) 
the Baltic Sea (波罗的海) 
the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋) 
the Sahara Desert (撒哈拉大沙漠) 
the Gobi Desert (戈壁大沙漠) 
the Taiwan Straits (台湾海峡) 
the English Channel (英吉利海峡) 
the Manila Bay (马尼拉海湾) 
the Bay of Tokyo (东京湾) 
the Persian Gulf (波斯湾) 
(2) 国家的名词中如有of时,要加the 
the United States of America 
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 
the Republic of China 
(3) 非常言式的名称,也要加the 
the World Bank (世界银行) 
the United Nations (联合国) 
the Red Cross (红十字会) 
the Catholic Church (天主教会) 
(4) 帝国,朝代,时代等等专有名词的前面,要加the 
the British Empire (大英帝国) 
the Ottoman Empire (奥图门帝国) 
the United Kingdom (联合王国) 
the Byzantine Era (拜占庭时代) 
the Chin Dynasty (秦朝) 
the Victoria Era (维多利亚时代) 
the Hanover Dynasty (汉诺威王朝) 
The Renaissance Era (文艺复兴时代) 
the Dark Ages (黑暗时代) 
(5) 如果提到〝全体〞,就要加the 
the Wangs (王家) 
the Kennedys (肯尼迪家族) 
the Chinese (中国人) 
the Americans (美国人) 
the Africans (非洲人) 
(1)    学科一概不加冠词 
I do not like mathematics。 
He hates geometry。 
She teaches us history。 
(2)    三餐一概不加冠词 
Did you have lunch。 
Missing breakfast is bad for your health。 
We have had dinner already。 
I had a happy Christmas lunch with my family。 
The dinner you treated me last night was really good。 
Did you have a big breakfast? 
(3)    假如我们说〝上学〞,〝去教堂〞等等,都不要加冠词,例如 
I went to church yesterday。 
He goes to church every Sunday。 
She is going to college this summer。 
Did you go to school last week? 
I went to the church at the corner of Park Street yesterday。 
The church which I went to when I was young is still there。 
I did not go to the college which my father went to。 
(4)    语言不要加冠词 
English is easy to learn。 
There are also grammatical rules in Chinese。 
Can you speech Japanese? 
The English language is easy to learn。 
There are grammatical rules in the Chinese language。 
(5)    运动一概前面不加冠词 
Do you play tennis? 
I can not play basketball。 
I really love soccer。 
(6)    动名词前面不加冠词,例如 
Swimming is good for you。 
I like playing tennis。 
Do you enjoy playing piano? 
1。  The Girls are often good in learning languages。 
2。  The dogs always chase the cats。 
3。  Do you have the time? 
4。  I have not had a water for two hours。 
5。  There is no life without the pain。 
6。  The love is the most important thing in one's life。 
7。  He has the wisdom。 
8。  I am losing the patience。 
9。  This is not time to cry。 
10。 Pain due to losing a loved one is hard to endure。 
11。 Joy being a father is really great。 
12。 Being honest is virtue。 
13。 Speaking the truth is good policy。 
14。 Can you feel sadness of his? 
15。 We need the air to live。 
16。 I do not drink the coffee。 I drink the tea。 
17。 We Chinese eat the rice every day。 
18。 Water in this area is very clean。 
19。 There was fire in the next street last night。 
20。 Fire last night killed three kids。 
21。 Coffee which you are drinking is from South America。 
22。 Mary is from the Canada。 
23。 The China is a large country。 
24。 Republic of China was Founded in 1911。 
25。 Where is the England? 
26。 Is the Russian in Europe。 
27。 The President Lincoln is a great person。 
28。 The King George was a mad king。 
29。 Yellow River is a long river。 
30。 Have you been to Gobi Desert? 
31。 Manila Bay is very beautiful。 
32。 It is hard to cross Atlantic Ocean by a small boat。 
33。 Can you swim across English Channel? 
34。 United States of America is a large country。 
35。 United Nations and Red Cross often work together。 
36。 When did Ottoman Empire end? 
37。 British Empire was large before。 
38。 Catholic Church is one of the oldest organizations in the world。 
39。 This cup was made in Ming Dynasty。 
40。 Renaissance is a very important era for mankind。 
41。 We should not go back to Dark Ages。 
42。 Wangs did not invite me to their house。 
43。 I do not like Kennedys。 
44。 Chinese pay great attention to education。 
45。 I do not like the physics。 
46。 Are you interested in the chemistry? 
47。 Did you have the lunch? 
48。 Let us have the dinner together。 
49。 I always have a breakfast with my family。 
50。 I had big dinner last night。 
51。 Dinner my mother cooked for me was delicious。 
52。 I go to the church every Sunday。 
53。 He does not like to go to the school。 
54。 Did you see beautiful church in the next street? 
55。 The English is so hard for me。 
56。 Do you speak the English? 
57。 Do you play the tennis? 
58。 The swimming is good for you。 
59。 I like the walking in the woods。 
60。 I practice the baseball every week。 
1。          boys usually do not like to sit still for long。 
2。 I love to have          cup of coffee。 
3。 There is          love between us。 
4。 Can you feel          love from you mother? 
5。          joy for having a new baby is really great。 
6。 Do you have          time for a walk? 
7。 We can not live without          love。 
8。 I have not drunk          wine for a long time。 
9。 Do you have          wisdom to distinguish bad persons from good persons? 
10。 This is          good dinner。 
11。 I did not have          dinner。 
12。          joy being          mother is great。 
13。          Running is          good practice。 
14。          sadness due to the death of his mother really hurts him。 
15。 We need          water to live。 
16。 We can not live without          air。 
17。 I do not drink          coffee。 
18。          fire with occurred last night destroyed my house。 
19。          coffee which you are drinking is very light。 
20。          Republic of China is in Asia。 
21。 Where is          Russia? 
22。 Is          France in Africa? 
23。          President Kennedy was liked by most American before be died。 
24。          Amazon River is a long one。 
25。 Have you ever been to          Tokyo? 
26。 Have you ever been to          Tokyo Bay? 
27。 There are more than one hundred countries in          United Nations。 
28。 This is          Ming Dynasty porcalain。 
29。          Wangs invited us to a dinner party。 
30。 I do not like          mathematics。 
31。          spring is a pleasant season。 
32。 I had          pleasant evening with my friends。 
33。          breakfast which I had this morning was too light for me。 
34。 It is not easy to study          English。 
35。 I did play          basketball yesterday。 
36。          swimming is a good exercise。 
37。 There should be          chicken in every pot。 
38。 It is          good idea to eat lightly。 
1。 狗会叫(bark)。 
2。 猫会抓老鼠。 
3。 有时候(sometimes),痛苦是好的。 
4。 我不喝茶。 
5。 感觉到被爱是很重要的。 
6。 说实话令人快乐。 
7。 我们需要爱。 
8。 他是一个中国人。 
9。 中国人喜欢喝茶。 
10。 昨夜,城里有一场火。 
11。 约翰来自美国。 
12。 法国在哪里? 
13。 我喜欢林肯总统。 
14。 黄河不是黄的。 
15。 红十字会已经有一百年了(one hundred years old)。 
16。 明朝是一个重要的朝代。 
17。 你喜爱数学吗? 
18。 我今天早上没有吃早饭。 
19。 我已吃过午饭。 
20。 我昨天没有去教堂。 
21。 我今年秋天要上大学。 
22。 游泳使我强壮。 

第十三章 形容词的比较级 
* He is more old。 
He is older。 
13§1 最基本的规则 
首先,我们要说明英文形容词有三个等级:原级、比较级和最高级,最基本的规则是根据音节的多少来分的。一般来说,单音节的形容词在字后面加er,就变成了比较级,加est就变成了最高级,而双音节,或双音节以上的形容词,比较级是在字前面加more,最高级则是在字前面加most,举例来说,old; smart; strong; weak; high; low等等都是单音节的形容词,他们的变化如下: 
原级  比较级  最高级 
old  older  oldest 
smart  smarter  smartest 
strong  stronger  strongest 
weak  weaker  weakest 
high  higher  highest 
low  lower  lowest 
原级  比较级  最高级 
difficult  more difficult  most difficult 
delicious  more delicious  most delicious 
beautiful  more beautiful  most beautiful 
correct  more correct  most correct 
stupid  more stupid  most stupid 
significant  more significant  most significant 
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