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〃What are your survivor estimates; Max?〃 Vince asked。

〃Probably two hundred or so Karbarrans; 〃 Max responded after a moment。 〃A lot of them in bad shape。 About two dozen Praxians and three or four Spherisians。 Then there's the seven of us。〃

〃Seven?〃 Vince said。

〃Veidt and Vowad; 〃 Max explained。 〃They helped us take out the production center; Vince。 I've got no qualms about taking them along。

Vince mulled it over。 〃Guess they don't want to be around when Haydon wakes up; huh?〃

〃Neither do I; 〃 Max affirmed。 〃Honeymoon's over on this place。〃

A smile tugged the corners of Vince's wide mouth。 〃See you soon; mander;〃 he signed off。

In newspace; fifteen Zentraedi Battlepods launched from the SDF…3's forward mecha bay formed up on Kazianna's Officer's Pod and fell toward the vernal surface of an unknown world。

An unseen; unforeseen something had been detected there and had since disappeared with two members of Hunter's scouting party。 The admiral…perhaps still unconvinced that the fortress had been flung far from familiar shores…had requested reinforcement from two XT teams; probably in the hope that someone…Karbarran; Garudan; or what have you would be able to municate with the unseen thing。

This unforeseen thing。

Kazianna found herself thinking of Drannin and the sphere the children had assembled and destroyed。 Were they really chanting Aurora? she wondered。 Sending a telepathic call to the youngest Sterling the way she had once sent one to her older sister across a sea of stars?

An SOS; Lisa had called it。

And what of this strange planet that had brought the fortress here? For that was how she considered it; despite what Lang and the others were saying about intergalactic voids and patterning。

No; this was more than a world; she was certain of that much。 It was perhaps even an intelligence unto itself; with something to teach them all。

The control consoles and acceleration couches; the general interior makeup of the sphere ship; had not been designed for human hands or eyes or posteriors; Scott had decided。 Not; for that matter; with crystalline fingers; paw…mitts; or outsize limbs in mind。

The ship was merely a spherical chamber of light…emitting metal divided into several levels by featureless decking; unconnected by ladders; stairways; or lift tubes。 On what had to be the mand level was a continuous circumferential bench four feet from the floor without so much as a screen or a function key to mar its smooth surface。

It was only through Louie Nichols's remote manipulation of the external hatch that Scott's team had been permitted access to the ship at all; and only because of his deactivation the ship's artificial gravity that they had been able to explore。

Then; just when Scott was thinking that no one outside…of Haydon himself was ever going to be able to make use of the ship; the bench console came suddenly to life; banded in color like the planetary rings of some gaseous giant; and a huge projecbeam display of the Ark Angel's bridge took shape in the center of the sphere。

〃Doctor Nichols assures me that you can see me; Colonel;〃 Vince Grant said; as though he were in the same ship。 Is that true?〃

Wondering for a moment where to direct his words; Scott shrugged and said to the projecbeam image; 〃Not just you; General; but the entire Angel bridge。 Doctor Nichols; Mrs。 Grant; Doctor Penn; Cabell; Exedore; the Sterlings; all of you; sir。〃 He thought about asking what the hell Veidt and Vowad were doing there but decided against it。

Louie Nichols nodded in the background。 〃We're going to begin ferrying some things over to you; Colonel;〃 he began as uncharacteristically subdued manner。 〃ponents of the Angel's onboard AI; which will ultimately bee our interface hardware with that ship's power plant。〃

〃Then we can make use of it?〃 Scott asked。 〃You can get us through the breach?〃

Louie's face collapsed somewhat; and Scott recalled hearing about the teammate Nichols had lost。

〃I'm certain we can do that much; Colonel。 I'm just not as certain about getting us back out again。〃

No one spoke to it。

Vince cleared his throat。 〃We'll mence transporting life support essentials; mecha; and personnel as soon as Doctor Nichols has his team in place。〃

〃Well; there's not much in the way of a wele we can arrange;〃 Scott told him。 〃We haven't found the liquor cabinet yet。〃

Polite laughter greeted the remark; principally from Scott's own team members。

Vince gestured behind him。 〃Cabell and Exedore won't be joining us; Colonel。 The Ark Angel will make for Tirol after disembarking her Karbarran passengers。 And hopefully act as our beacon in this realm once we've; well; crossed over。〃

Scott gulped; thinking of Ranaath's Star。 〃Who'll be crewing this ship; then; sir?〃

〃I've put it on a voluntary basis; Scott。 Jean and I and Doctor Penn are ing over。 And so far we've got three squadrons of mecha pilots and a sufficient number of technical assist crews。〃

〃I hope you've already counted me in; mander;〃 Scott said; sensing that Vince had left something dangling in the air。

Vince nodded。 〃I have。〃

Scott folded his arms and stared at the floor。 〃There's just one more thing; sir 。 。 。 The; ah; Invid simulagent。 I was; you know; thinking it would help having her along。〃

〃Marlene will acpany us; Scott。〃 Vince traded brief looks with Louie。 〃There doesn't seem to be anything left for her in this realm。〃

Or much left of her; Scott kept to himself。

The transfer of supplies and personnel took less than twelve hours; during which time Haydon IV did not so; much as stir。 But finally the moment arrived for the Ark Angel and the pirated ship to part pany。

Louie canceled the override and punched up the original mands the Awareness had programmed into the sphere's drives; and the ship's systems instantly came on…line。

While Cabell and the rest watched from the Ark Angel bridge; the sphere's massive drives flared once and hurled the ship toward the dark eye of Ranaath's Star。 The sphere seemed so hang suspended at the edge of the whirlpool for the briefest of moments before it vanished from space and time。

Thousands of miles distant; the fey; aged crew of a second ship monitored the sphere ship's protracted plunge into the black hole and the subsequent departure of the Ark Angel。 They then turned their attention to the reconfigured Haydon IV and waited。




Survival recognizes and rewards anything that sustains life; and here was undeniable proof of that。 No matter how noxious its central characteristic; it proved itself to have a stark value in what the Earthers call Darwinian terms…even a functional formidability。
The Scribe Triumvirate of Aholt; Ulla; and Tussas; Nothing but Animus: A History of the Robotech Elders

Death; their tireless enemy; had them cornered at last。

It had pursued them for an age; ever since they'd cast off the bonds of a mortal life span and received unholy munion with the Protoculture a naive Zor had fetched home to them from the stars。 Death was the inevitable dark side of nthe bid they made; immediately; for eternal life。 Not just longevity but immortality; anything less…prolonged years in dread of the end…was nothing but a unique torment。

For the Robotech Elders; death had bee the greatest of fears; in some ways a Singularity of fear。

Watching the sphere ship plunge into Ranaath's Star; somehow surving the deadly swirl of the accretion disc; the utter anihilation of the event horizon; the Robotech Elders had shuddered at the risk its passengers and crew were running。 Foolish little subcreatures; so reckless with their brief lives! 

The Elders sat despondent; even their mindspeech silent; in their habitual circle。 They arranged themselves in their triumvirate from habit…from reflex; by now。 Between them was their darkened Protoculture cap; a mushroomlike console of instrumentality ten feet across; a hateful mockery of its former glorious self。

Once it had bent worlds to their will。 In the years since the Elders had fled Tirol…upon the arrival of the SDF…3…it had kept them alive; barely; through its residue of power。 With the disappearance of all Protoculture in the Elevation of the Invid race; the cap had died; bee nothing more than a burnt…out artifact。

Their ship was a small prototype a Scientist triumvirate had been working on when the Invid onslaught had finally reached Tirol。 The vessel was considerably smaller than the assault ships that had once carried the Robotech Masters' colossal Bioroids into bat; smaller than the tri…thrusters their Zentraedi giants had flown in battle in an age now vanished forever。

They had languished in it for years with little to behold but one another; each ing to hate the others and yet incapable of surviving without them。

Some of the craft's systems had been altered over the intervening years to run on more conventional power sources。 Thus; it could still provide life support and had marginal maneuvering capability。 But nothing could power the cap except Protoculture itself; after all this time the Elders were looking death in the face as they never had since that first; transmogrifying taste of the Essence of the Flower of Life; so long ago。

The SDF…3 had first shown up near Tirol to establish contact with them; to seek a peace; but the Elders had never really considered that idea seriously; they had presumed it was their onetime Zentraedi slave…warriors e home for final vengeance。 Besides; when SDF…3 unfolded; the moon of Fantoma was already under genocidal attack by the forces of the Invid Regent。

Terrified as they were of abandoning their seat of power; lust as they might for the Protoculture the warring armies carried; the Elders had fled。 There was too great a risk of death on Tirol; and their fear of oblivion outweighed any other impulse。

Learning the REF's true intentions; the Elders still shrank from any contact。 Masters of deceit and treachery; they were incapable of trusting anyone else。

Their little prototype ship; with its superluminal drive; had made a few planetfalls over the years (since the Elders dared not show their faces near any of the advanced Local Group worlds they had once ground under their heel; of course)。 There were species sufficiently organized and domitable to be of some minor help…retrofitting the craft under the Elders' supervision; installing conventional power systems to minimize the drain on their Protoculture supply。

But the very act of dominating a population used up Protoculture at an agonizing rate; and the Elders feared detection by their former subjects; who were sallying out among the stars on their own。 More than anything; however; the last Robotech Masters lusted for a return to their former power。

For that; they needed clones; warriors; the irresistible power of Robotechnology; but above all; they needed the secrets that had died with Zor。 So they took to space again; feeding on bitterness and resentment of the universe。 They were the unseen watchers of the Sentinels' struggles against the Invid; the hidden monitors of the conflict that had nearly consumed the Local Group like a black hole。

They looked for their advantage at every turn; but events defied them。 Then the Invid transubstantiation swept away their last hoarded reserve of Protoculture like a whirlwind。 Growing weaker; sickened like addicts gone cold turkey; they seemed wraithlike themselves。 The Elders clung to life single mindedly; feeding on their own rapacity…the stark craving to rule。 They became their own worst tormentors。

Finally; as they spied on the drama played out around Haydon IV and Ranaath's Star; they felt the last of their life forces ebbing。

They had no idea how the planet had assumed its shape; or kept it; without the forces of gravity deforming and distorting。 The very idea of two half spheres the size of the opened Haydon IV was untenable by any physics the Elders knew。

But that was something for the lower orders…Scientist triumvirates and the like…to wonder about。 The task of Masters was to rule。

Nimuul; the First among them; could barely lift his chin from his breast as he sat sprawled in his thronelike chair。 Still; when he managed…to bring his head up a bit; his face 
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