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f acplishments ;(leadership skills ;budget management skills ;child development skills) Try to list at least three acplishments under the same skills heading。 Now start writing your resume as if you mattered 。It may take four drafts or more ;and several weeks ;before you’re ready to show it to a stranger (friends are usually too kind )for a reaction。When you’re satisfied ;send it to a printer; a printed  resume is rare superior to photocopies 。It shows an employer that you regard job hunting as serious work ;worth doing right 。    
    Isn’t that the kind of person you’d want working for you?    
    [A]A woman who lost her job as a teacher’s aide due to a cutback in government funding wrote :“ principal of elementary school cited me as the only teacher’s aide they would rehire if  government funds became available。”    
    [B]One resume I received included the following :“Invited by my  superior to straighten out our organization’s accounts receivable。 Set up  orderly repayment schedule ;reconciled accounts weekly ;and improved cash flow 100 per cent 。Rewarded with raise and promotion。”Notice how this woman focuses on results ;specifies how she acplished them ;and mentions her reward—all in  34 words。    
    [C]For example ;if you have a flair for saving; managing and investing money; you have money management skills。    
    [D]An acquaintance plained of being biased when losing an opportunity due to the statement “Ready to learn though not so well educated”。    
    [E]One of my former colleagues; for example; wrote three resumes in three different styles in order to find out which was more preferred。 The result is; of course; the one that highlights skills and education background。    
    [F]A woman once told me about a cashflow crisis her employer had faced 。She’d agreed to work without pay for three months until business improved 。Her reward was her back pay plus a 20 percent bonus 。I asked why that marvelous story wasn’t in her resume 。She answered ;“It wasn’t  important 。”What she was really saying of course was “I’m not important。”    
    1。F。Put yourself first意为把自己放在第一位。在本文中的意思是“要想让自己的简历使读的人充满热情,那么你首先就要觉得自己是个人物”。[F]就论证了这个观点。作者举例说明,不要认为自己做过的事情不值一提,如果连你都看不起自己,那么别人又怎么会看重你呢?    
    2。C。Sell what you can do; not who you are重要的是你能做什么,而不是你是谁。下文则详细说明“要学会把自己的个性和成就诠释成具体的技能,世界上有至少5000种技能”(你总能找出一种自己拥有的技能)。[C]项“例如,如果你有节约、投资、管理钱财的天份,那么你就拥有理财的能力。”最贴切。    
    3。B。Be specific; be concrete; and briefly! 言语简洁。[B]项的例子说明了这点,一位女士仅用了34个词就把重点说明白了。    
    4。A。Turn bad news into good将坏就得消息变成好消息。下文解释道“每个人在工作中总有不尽如人意的地方。如果要提到这些事,那么从积极的角度去看。”[A]项就是一个例子。一个女助教因为政府缩减资金而被解雇。这似乎不大光彩,但是这位女士谈起此事时却说:“校长说了,如果政府的资金够的话,她第一个重聘的就是我”,言语充满了自信。    
    5。D。Never apologize不要道歉。每个人都有短处,要扬长避短,没有必要为自己的短处羞愧。求职就是要让雇主看到自己的闪光点,个人简历不是进行道歉的地方。[D]项说明了这一点:作者的一位朋友说他求职时遭到了歧视。    
    准确、具体、简明。记住:简洁是最好的保险单。我收到的一份简历包含下面几句话:“受上司邀请理清企业的可收账单。建立有序的偿还进度表,每周调整账单,改进现金100%流动,得到加薪和提升。”注意,这位女士是怎样集中在结果上,确切说明怎样完成它们,提出她得到的奖赏——所有这些仅用了34 个字。    
    New and bizarre crimes have e into being with the advent of puter technology。 Organized crime too has been directly involved; the new technology offers its unlimited opportunities; such as data crimes; theft of services; propertyrelated crimes; industrial sabotage; politically related sabotage,vandalism,crimes against the individual and financially related crimes。    
    (1) Theft of data; or data crime。    
     It has attracted the interest of organized criminal syndicates。 This is usually the theft or copying of valuable puter program。    
    (2) To destroy a pany’s puter system。    
     It cripples the firm’s operational ability; thus neutralizing its petitive capability either in the private or the government sector。 This puter sabotage may also be tied to an attempt by affluent investors to acquire the victim firm。     
    (3) Politically motivated sabotage is on the increase    
    Political extremist groups have sprouted on every continent。 Sophisticated puter technology arms these groups with awesome powers and opens technologically advanced nations to their attack。 puter vulnerability has been amply documented。 One congressional study concluded that neither government nor private puter systems are adequately protected against sabotage。 Organized criminal syndicate have shown their willingness to work with politically motivated groups。 Investigators have uncovered evidence of cooperation between criminal groups and foreign governments in narcotics。 Criminal groups have taken attempts in assassinating political leaders。    
    (4)Sabotaging the puter of a lifesupport system    
     puters are used in hospital lifesupport system; in laboratories; and in major surgery。 Criminals could easily turn these puters into tools of devastation。     
    (5) The organized puter crime    
     The puter opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups; both national and international。     
    [A]It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts; because many of these crimes are too plex for one group to handle; especially those requiting a vast network of fences。 Although criminals have adapted to puter technology; law enforcement has not。 Many still think in terms of traditional criminology。    
    [B] An international market already exists for puterized data; and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market。 Buyers for stolen programs may range from a firm’s petitors to foreign nations。    
    [C]Several attempts have already been made to destroy puter facility at an air force base。 A university puter facility involved in national defense work suffered more than2million in damages as a result of a bombing。    
    [D]Politically related sabotage could bring about a lot of disaster。    
    [E]Criminals could kill an individual as easily as they and used a gun。 By manipulating a puter; they could guide awesome tools of terror against large urban centers。 Cities and nations could be e hostages。 Homicide could take a new form。 The puter may bee the hit man of the twentieth century。    
    [F]With the growing reliance by firms on puters for their record keeping and daily operations,sabotage of their puters can result in internal havoc; after which the group interested in acquiring the firm can easily buy it at a substantially lower price。 Criminal groups could also resort to sabotage if the pany is a petitor of a business owned or controlled by organized crime。    
    1。 B。 答题线索:上下文一致。从第一段我们可以了解到计算机新技术犯罪的类型。从本段我们可以知道所说的是计算机化的数据犯罪问题。由此,我们可以推断出第一句中心句所说的应该就是关于数据犯罪的问题。所以,我们不难选出该项为正确答案。    
    2。 F。答题线索:段落一致性。从本段我们可以了解到其大意是计算机的破坏给企业所带来的影响。而有些公司则利用这一点来达到其不可告人的目的。通过本段的大意,我们可以看到选项F正好符合题意,为正确答案。    
    3。 C。答题线索:段落一致性。本句这段所举的例子:摧毁一空军基地的计算机设施和大学计算机设施的爆炸,这些都是具有政治目的性的破坏,也就是属于第一段所说的〃与政治有关的破坏〃。很明显,选项C的意思与其相一致,因此为正确答案。    
    4。 E。答题线索:段落一致性。通读本句的文段内容,我们可以了解到计算机很容易遭到犯罪集团的破坏。也就是说不管是政府的计算机还是私人的计算机系统都很容易遭到计算机罪犯的破坏,换一句话就是说政府和私人的计算机系统都还没有足够的防破坏的能力。通过这样的逻辑分析,我们就可以不难选出E项为正确答案。    
    5。 A。答题线索:上下文一致。纵观全文,我们可以知道整篇文章所说的都是关于计算机技术犯罪的问题。而在最后我们可以推断出作者应该是发表了他对此的观点和看法。从C项我们可以看出作者提出了法制还需健全的观点,对计算机的犯罪我们不应该还停留在用传统的犯罪学来思考问题。因此,选择A为正确答案。    
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