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   Chapter Eighteen
  Trevor sat in the diner punishing a bottomless cup of coffee; sketching and writing in an old spiral notebook he'd found in the back of Zach's car。 His hands shook a little; and the glossy black Formica of the tabletop was scattered with constellations of white sugar。 Only by pressing the heel of his right hand against the table and holding the notebook flat was he able to steady his pen。
  Eyes; hands; screaming mouths clawed their way across the page and were lost in the drowning pattern。 He could never remember drawing this fast; not since early childhood; when he was desperate to get as many things as possible down on paper because he knew that was the only way he would ever get good at it。
  His hand began to cramp; and he banged it against the table in frustration。 He hated it when his hand cramped; it was like having his mind go blank。 Trevor made himself extend and flex the fingers; stretch the muscles of the palm。 He flipped through the pages; saw that Zach had noted things here and there in a nearly illegible handwriting full of flourishes and jagged psycho spikes。 A trio of phone numbers for Caspar; Alyssa; and 〃Mutagenic BBS。〃 A bunch of inprehensible scribblings that looked mostly like this:
  DEC=》 A
  YOU=》 info ter
  DEC=》 all sorts of shit; then A
  or 〃MILNET: WSMR…TAC; NWC…TAC〃 or 〃Crap file…》 CRYPT Unix
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