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 〃Not now I won't;〃 Aahz grimaced。 〃We've got a war to fight; remember?〃
 〃Oh! Yes; of course。〃
 〃Well; get your troops together and let's go;〃 Aahz ordered。
 〃Okay;〃 I agreed; rising from my chair。 〃I'll get Gleep and 。 。 。 wait a minute! Did you say my troops?〃
 〃You hired 'em; you lead 'em;〃 my mentor smiled。
 〃But you're…〃
 〃I'll be your military advisor; of course;〃 Aahz continued casually。 〃But the job of Fearless Leader is all yours。 You're the court magician; remember?〃
 I swallowed hard。 Somehow this had never entered into my thinking。
 〃But what do I do?〃 I asked desperately。
 〃Well;〃 Aahz drawled。 〃First; I'd advise you to move 'em outside so we can all head for Klah together 。 。 。 that is; unless you're willing to leave your dragon behind。〃
 That didn't even deserve an answer。 I turned to face the troops; sweeping them with what I hoped was a masterful gaze which would immediately mand their attention。
 No one noticed。 They were all involved in a jovial conversation。
 I cleared my throat noisily。
 I considered going over to their table。
 〃Listen up!〃 Aahz barked suddenly; scaring me half to death。
 The conversation stopped abruptly and all heads swiveled my way。
 〃Aah 。 。 。〃 I began confidently。 〃We're ready to go now。 Everybody outside。 Wait for me by the dragon。〃
 〃Right; boss!〃 Brockhurst called; starting for the door。
 〃I'll be a minute; youngster;〃 Ajax wheezed; struggling to rise。
 〃Here; Gramps;〃 Gus said。 〃Let me give you a hand。〃
 〃Name's not Gramps; it's Ajax!〃 the Archer scowled。
 〃Just trying to be helpful;〃 the gargoyle apologized。
 〃I kin' stand up by myself;〃 Ajax insisted。 〃Just 'cause I'm old don't mean I'm helpless。〃
 I glanced to Aahz for help; but he and Tanda were already headed out。
 As I turned back to Ajax; I thought I caught a glimpse of a small; blue figure slipping out through the door ahead of us。 If it was the Gremlin; he was nowhere in sight when I finally reached the street。
 Chapter Sixteen
 〃Myth…conceptions are the major cause of wars!〃
 Fortunately; the army had not moved from the position it held when we left for Deva。 I say fortunately because Aahz pointed out they might well have renewed their advance in our absence。 If that had happened; we would have returned to find ourselves behind the enemy lines; if not actually in the middle of one of their encampments。
 Of course; he pointed this out to me after we had arrived back on Klah。 Aahz is full of helpful little tidbits of information; but his timing leaves a lot to be desired。
 Ajax lost no time upon our arrival。 Moving with a briskness that belied his years; he strung his bow and stood squinting at the distant encampments。
 〃Well; youngster;〃 he asked; never taking his eyes from the enemy's formations; 〃what's my first batch of targets?〃
 His eagerness took me aback a bit; but Aahz covered for me neatly。
 〃First;〃 he said loftily; 〃we'll have to hold a final planning session。〃
 〃We didn't expect to have you along; Ajax;〃 Tanda added。 〃Having a genuine Archer on our side naturally calls for some drastic revisions of our battle plans。 〃
 〃Don't bother me none。〃 Ajax shrugged。 〃Just wanted to let you know I was ready to earn my keep。 Take yer time。 Seen too many wars messed up 'cause nobody bothered to do any plannin'! If ya don't mind; though; think I'll take me a little nap。 Jes' holler when ya want some shootin' done。〃
 〃Alt 。 。 。 go ahead; Ajax;〃 I agreed。
 Without further conversation; Ajax plopped down and pulled his cloak a bit closer about him。 Within a few minutes; he was snoring lightly; but I noticed his bow was still in his grip。
 〃Now there's a seasoned soldier;〃 Aahz observed。 〃Gets his sleep when and where he can。〃
 〃You want me to do a little scouting; boss?〃 Gus asked。
 〃Um 。 。 。〃 I hesitated; glancing quickly at Aahz。
 Aahz caught my look and gave a small nod。
 〃Sure; Gus;〃 I finished。 〃We'll wait for you here。〃
 〃I'll scout in the other direction;〃 Brockhurst volunteered。
 〃Okay;〃 I nodded。 〃Aahz; can you give 'em a quick briefing?〃
 I was trying to drop the load in Aahz's lap; but he joined the conversation as smoothly as if we had rehearsed it this way。
 〃There are a couple of things we need specific information on;〃 he said solemnly。 〃First; we need a battlefield; small with scattered cover。 Gus; you check that out。 You know what we're going to need。 Brockhurst; see what details you can bring back on the three nearest encampments。〃
 Both scouts nodded briskly。
 〃And both of you; stay out of sight;〃 Aahz warned。 〃The information's no good to us if you don't e back。〃
 〃C'mon; Aahz;〃 Gus admonished。 〃What have they got that can put a dent in the old rock?〃
 He demonstrated by smashing his forearm into a sapling。 The tree went down; apparently without affecting the gargoyle's arm in the slightest。
 〃I don't know;〃 Aahz admitted。 〃And I don't want to know; yet。 You're one of our surprise weapons。 No point in giving the enemy an advance warning。 Get my meaning?〃
 〃Got it; Aahz;〃 Gus nodded; and lumbered off。
 〃Be back in a bit;〃 Brockhurst said with a wave of his hand; heading off in the opposite direction。
 〃Now that we've got a minute;〃 I murmured to Aahz as I returned Brockhurst's wave; 〃would you mind telling me what our final plan is? I don't even know what the preliminary plans were。〃
 〃That's easy;〃 Aahz replied。 〃We don't have one 。 。 。 yet。〃
 〃Well; when are we going to form one?〃 I asked with forced patience。
 〃Probably on the battlefield;〃 Aahz yawned。 〃Until then it's pointless。 There're too many variables until then。〃
 〃Wouldn't it be a good idea to have at least a general idea as to what we're going to do before we wander out on the battlefield?〃 I insisted。 〃It would do a lot for my peace of mind。〃
 〃Oh; I've already got a general idea as to what we'll be doing;〃 Aahz admitted。
 〃Isn't he sweet?〃 Tanda grimaced。 〃Would you mind sharing it with us; Aahz? We've got a stake in this; too。〃
 〃Well;〃 he began lazily; 〃the name of the game is delay and demoralize。 The way I figure it; we aren't going to overpower them。 We haven't got enough going for us to even try that。〃
 I bit back a sarcastic observation and let him continue。
 〃Delay and demoralize we should be able to do; though;〃 Aahz smiled。 〃Right off the bat; we've got two big weapons going for us in that kind of a fight。〃
 〃Ajax and Gus;〃 I supplied helpfully。
 〃Fear and bureaucracy;〃 Aahz corrected。
 〃How's that again?〃 Tanda frowned。
 〃Tanda; my girl;〃 Aahz smiled; 〃you've been spoiled by your skylarking through the dimensions。 You've forgotten how the man on the street thinks。 The average person in any dimension doesn't know the first thing about magik; particularly about its limitations。 If the kid here tells 'em he can make the sun stop or trees grow upside down; they'll believe him。 Particularly if he's got a few strange characters parading around as proof of his power; and I think you'll have to admit; the crew he's got backing him this time around is pretty strange。〃
 〃What's bureaucracy?〃 I asked; finally getting a word in edgewise。
 〃Red tape 。 。 。 the system;〃 Aahz informed me。
 〃The organization to get things done that keeps things from getting done。 In this case; it's called the chain…of…mand。 An army the size of the one we're facing has to function like a well…oiled machine or it starts tripping over its own feet。 I'm betting if we toss a couple of handfuls of sand into its gears; they'll spend more time fighting each other than chasing us。〃
 This was one of the first times Aahz had actually clarified something he said。 I wished he hadn't。 I was more confused than I had been before。
 〃Um 。 。 。 how are we going to do all this?〃 I asked。
 〃We'll be able to tell better after you've had your first war council;〃 Aahz shrugged。
 〃Aren't we having it now?〃
 〃I meant with the enemy;〃 Aahz scowled。 〃Sometime in the near future; you're going to have to sit down with one of their officers and decide how this war's going to be fought。〃
 〃Me?〃 I blinked。
 〃You are the leader of the defenses; remember?〃 Aahz grinned at me。
 〃It's part of the job; handsome;〃 Tanda confirmed。
 〃Wait a minute;〃 I interrupted。 〃It just came to me。 I think I have a better idea。〃
 〃This I've got to hear;〃 Aahz grinned。
 〃Shut up; Aahz;〃 Tanda ordered; poking him in the ribs。 〃Whatcha got; handsome?〃
 〃We've got a couple of trained Assassins on our side; don't we?〃 I observed。 〃Why don't we just put 'em to work? If enough officers suddenly turn up dead; odds are the army will fall apart。 Right?〃
 〃It won't work; kid;〃 Aahz announced bluntly。
 〃Why not?〃
 〃We can bend the rules; but we can't break 'em;〃 Aahz explained。 〃Wars are fought between the troops。 Killing off the officers without engaging their troops goes against tradition。 I doubt if your own force would stand still for it。 Old… troopers like Ajax would have no part of a scheme like that。〃
 〃He's right;〃 Tanda confirmed。 〃Assassins take contracts on individuals in personal feuds; but not against the general staff of an army。〃
 〃But it would be so easy;〃 I insisted。
 〃Look at it this way; kid;〃 Aahz put in。 〃If you could do it; they could do it。 The way things are now; you're exempt from Assassins。 Would you really want to change that?〃
 〃What do I say in a war council?〃 I asked。
 〃I'll brief you on that when the time es;〃 Aahz reassured me。 〃Right now we have other things to plan。〃
 〃Such as what?〃 Tanda asked。
 〃Such as what to do about those signal towers;〃 Aahz retorted; jerking his head at one of the distant structures。
 〃We probably won't have time to break their code; so the next best thing is to disrupt their signals somehow。 Now; you said you picked up some special effects items back at the Bazaar。 Have you got anything we could use on the signal towers?〃
 〃I'm not sure;〃 Tanda frowned thoughtfully。 〃I wish you had said something about that before I went shopping。〃
 〃What about Ajax?〃 I suggested。
 〃What about him?〃 Aahz countered。
 〃How close would he have to be to the towers to disrupt things with his archery?〃
 〃I don't know;〃 Aahz shrugged。 〃Why don't you ask him。〃
 Eager to follow up on my own suggestion; I squatted down next to the dozing bowman。
 〃Urn 。 。 。 Ajax;〃 I called softly。
 〃Whatcha need; youngster?〃 the old man asked; ing instantly awake。
 〃Do you see those signal towers?〃 I asked; pointing at the distant structures。
 Ajax rose to his feet and squinted in the indicated direction。 〃Sure can;〃 he nodded。
 〃We 。 。 。 um 。 。 。 I was wondering;〃 I explained; 〃can you use your bow to disrupt their signals?〃
 In response; Ajax drew an arrow from beneath his cloak; cocked it; and let fly before I could stop him。
 The shaft disappeared in the direction of the nearest tower。 With sinking heart; I strained my eyes trying to track its flight。
 There was a man standing on the tower's platform; his standard leaning against the railing beside him。 Suddenly; his standard toppled over; apparently breaking off a handspan from its crosspiece。 The man bent and retrieved the bottom portion of the pole; staring with apparent confusion at the broken end。
 〃Any other targets?〃 Ajax asked。
 He was leaning casually on his bow; his back to the tower。 He hadn't even bothered watching to see if his missile struck its mark。
 〃Um 。 。 。 not just now; Ajax;〃 I assured him。 〃Go back to sleep。〃
 〃Fine by me; sonny;〃 Ajax smiled; resettling himself。 〃There'll be plenty of targets tomorrow。〃
 〃How do you figure that?〃 I asked。
 〃According to that signal I just cut down;〃 he grinned; 〃the army's fixin' to move out tomorrow。〃
 〃You can read the signals?〃 I blinked。
 〃Sure;〃 Ajax nodded。 〃There're only about eight different codes armies use; and I know 'em all。 It's part of my trade。〃
 〃And they're moving out tomorrow?〃 I pressed。
 〃That's what I said。〃 The bowman scowled。 〃What's the matter; are you deaf?〃
 〃No;〃 I assured him hastily。 〃It just changes our plans is all。 Go back to sleep。〃
 Returning to our little conference; I found Aahz and Tanda engrossed in a conversation with Brockhurst。
 〃Bad news; kid;〃 Aahz informed me。 〃Brockhurst here says the army's going to move out tomor
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