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〃We were;〃 Aahz confirmed; looking around him。 〃I don't understand。 He was here a minute ago。〃
〃It's as if he didn't exist; isn't it; Aahz?〃 I suggested innocently。
〃Now look; kid!〃 my mentor began angrily。
A chorus of laughter erupted from the team。 He spun in that direction to deliver a scathing reply; but there was a blip of light and they were gone。
We stood silently together for several moments staring at the vacant space。 Then Aahz slipped an arm around my shoulder。
〃They were a good… team; kid;〃 he sighed。 〃Now pull yourself together。 Triumphant generals don't have slow leaks in the vicinity of their eyes。 It's bad for the image。〃
Chapter Twenty…Five
〃Is everybody happy?〃
Aahz and I entered the capital at the head of a jubilant mob of Possiltum citizens。
We were practically herded to the front of the palace by the crowd pressing us forward。 The cheering was incredible。 Flowers and other less identifiable objects were thrown at us or strewn in our path; making the footing uncertain enough that more than once I was afraid of falling and being trampled。 The people; at least; seemed thoroughly delighted to see us。 All in all; though; our triumphal procession was almost as potentially injurious to our life and limb as the war had been。
I was loving it。
I had never had a large crowd make a fuss over me before。 It was nice。
〃Heads up; kid;〃 Aahz murmured; nudging me in the ribs。 〃Here es the reception mittee。〃
Sure enough; there was another procession emerging from the main gates of the palace。 It was smaller than ours; but made up for what it lacked in numbers with the prestige of its members。
The king was front and center; flanked closely by Grimble and Badaxe。 The chancellor was beaming with undisguised delight。 The general; on the other hand; looked positively grim。
Sweeping the crowd with his eyes; Badaxe spotted several of his soldiers in our entourage。 His dark expression grew even darker; boding ill for those men。 I guessed he …was curious as to why they had failed to carry out his orders to stop our return。
Whatever he had in mind; it would have to wait。 The king was raising his arms; and the assemblage obediently fell silent to hear what he had to say。
〃Lord Magician;〃 he began; 〃know that the cheers of the grateful citizens of Possiltum only echo my feelings for this service you have done us。〃
A fresh wave of applause answered him。
〃News of your victory has spread before you;〃 he continued。 〃And already our historians are recording the details of your triumph 。 。 。 as much as is known; that is。〃
An appreciative ripple of laughter surged through the crowd。
〃While we do not pretend to prehend the workings of your powers;〃 the king announced; 〃the results speak for themselves。 A mighty army of invincible warriors vanished into thin air; weapons and all。 Only their armor and siege machines littering the empty battlefield mark their passing。 The war is won! The threat to Possiltum is ended forever!〃
At this; the crowd exploded。 The air again filled with flowers and shouting shook the very walls of the palace。
The king tried to shout something more; but it was lost in the jubilant noise。 Finally he shrugged and reentered the palace; pausing only for a final wave at the crowd。
I thought it was a rather cheap ploy; allowing him to cash in on our applause as if it were intended for him; but I let it go。 Right now we had bigger fish to fry。
Catching the eyes of Grimble and Badaxe; I beckoned them forward。
〃I've got to talk to you two;〃 I shouted over the din。
〃Shouldn't we go inside where it's quieter?〃 Grimble shouted back。
〃We'll talk here!〃 I insisted。
〃But the crowd 。 。 。〃 the chancellor gestured。
I turned and nodded to a figure in the front row of the mob。 He responded by raising his right arm in a signal。 In response; the men in the forefront of the crowd locked arms and formed a circle around us; moving with near military precision。 In a twinkling; there was a space cleared in the teeming populace; with the advisors; Aahz; Gleep; myself; and the man who had given the signal standing alone at its center。
〃Just a moment;〃 Badaxe rumbled; peering suspiciously at the circle。 〃What's going on…〃
〃General!〃 I beamed; flashing my biggest smile。 〃I'd like you to meet the newest citizen of Possiltum。〃
Holding my smile; I beckoned the mob leader forward。
〃General Badaxe;〃 I announced formally; 〃meet Big Julie。 Big Julie; Hugh Badaxe!〃
〃Nice to meet you!〃 Julie smiled。 〃The boy here; he's been tellin' me all about you!〃
The general blanched as he recognized the Empire's top mander。
〃You!〃 he stammered。 〃But you 。 。 。 you're…〃
〃I hope you don't mind; General;〃 I said smoothly。 〃But I've taken the liberty of offering Big Julie a job 。 。 。 as your military consultant。〃
〃Military consultant?〃 Badaxe echoed suspiciously。
〃What's the matter;〃 Julie scowled。 〃Don't you think I can do it?〃
〃It's not that;〃 the general clarified hastily。 〃It's just that 。 。 。 well…〃
〃One thing we neglected to mention; General;〃 Aahz interrupted。 〃Big Julie here is retiring from active duty。 He's more than willing to leave the running of Possiltum's army to you; and agrees to give advice only when asked。〃
〃That's right!〃 Julie beamed。 〃I just wanna sit in the sun; drink a little wine; maybe pat a few bottoms; you know what I mean?〃
〃But the king。 。 。〃 Badaxe stammered。
〃。 。 。 。 doesn't have to be bothered with it at all;〃 Aahz purred。 〃Unless; of course; you deem it necessary to tell him where your new battle plans are ing from。〃
〃Hmm;〃 the general said thoughtfully。 〃You sure you'd be happy with things that way; Julie?〃
〃Positive!〃 Julie nodded firmly。 〃I don't want any glory; no responsibility; and no credit。 I had too much of that when I was workin' for the Empire; you know what I mean? Me and the boys talked it over; and we decided…〃
〃The boys?〃 Badaxe interrupted; frowning。
〃Um 。 。 。 that's another thing we forgot to mention; General;〃 I smiled。 〃Big Julie isn't the only new addition to Possiltum's citizenry。〃
I jerked my head at the circle of men holding back the crowd。
The general blinked at the men; then swiveled his head around noting how many more like them were scattered through the crowd。 He blanched as it became clear to him both where the Empire's army had disappeared to; and why his men had been unsuccessful in stopping our return to the capital。
〃You mean to tell me you…〃 Badaxe began。
〃Happy Possiltum citizens all; General!〃 Aahz proclaimed; then dropped his voice to a more confidential level。 〃I think you'll find that if you should ever have to draft an army; these new citizens will train a lot faster than your average plow pusher。〃
Apparently the general did。 His eyes glittered at the thought of the new force we had placed at his mand。 I could see him mentally licking his chops in anticipation of the next war。
〃Big Julie!〃 he declared with a broad smile。 〃You and your 。 。 。 er 。 。 。 boys are more than wele to settle here in Possiltum。 Let me be one of the first to congratulate you on your new citizenship。〃
He extended his hand; but there was an obstruction in his way。 The obstruction's name was J。R。 Grimble。
〃Just a moment!〃 the chancellor snarled。 〃There's one minor flaw in your plans。 It is my intention to advise the king to disband Possiltum's army。〃
〃What?〃 roared Badaxe。
〃Let me handle this; General;〃 Aahz said soothingly。 〃Grimble; what would you want to do a fool thing like that for?〃
〃Why; because of the magician; of course;〃 the chancellor blinked。 〃You've demonstrated he is quite capable of defending the kingdom without the aid of an army; so I see no reason why we should continue to bear the cost of maintaining one。〃
〃Nonsense!〃 Aahz scolded。 〃Do you think the great Skeeve has nothing to do with his time but guard your borders? Do you want to tie up your high…cost magician doing the job a low…cost soldier could do?〃
〃Well。 。 。〃 Grimble scowled。
〃Besides;〃 Aahz continued。 〃Skeeve will be spending considerable time on the road furthering his studies 。 。 。 which will of course increase his value to Possiltum。 Who will guard your kingdom while he's away; if not the army?〃
〃But the cost is。 。 。〃 Grimble whined。
〃If anything;〃 Aahz continued ignoring the chancellor's protests。 〃I should think you'd want to expand your army now that your borders have increased in size。〃
〃What's that?〃 Grimble blinked; 〃What about our borders?〃
〃I thought it was obvious;〃 Aahz said innocently。 〃All these new citizens have to settle somewhere 。 。 。 and there is a lot of land up for grabs just north of here。 As I understand it; it's pletely unguarded at the moment。 Possiltum wouldn't even have to fight for it; just move in and settle。 That is; of course; provided you have a strong army to hold it once you've got it。〃
〃Hmm;〃 the chancellor said thoughtfully; stroking his chin with his hand。
〃Then again;〃 Aahz murmured quietly; 〃there's all the extra tax money the new citizens and land will contribute to the kingdom's coffers。〃
〃Big Julie!〃 Grimble beamed。 〃I'd like to wele you and your men to Possiltum。〃
〃I'm weling him first!〃 Badaxe growled。 〃He's my advisor。〃
As he spoke; the general dropped his hand to the hilt of his axe; a move which was not lost on the chancellor。
〃Of course; General;〃 Grimble acknowledged; forcing a grin。 〃I'll just wait here until you're through。 There are a few things I want to discuss with our new citizens。〃
〃While you're waiting; Grimble;〃 Aahz smiled; 〃there are a few things we have to discuss with you。〃
〃Such as what?〃 the chancellor scowled。
〃Such as the Court Magician's pay!〃 my mentor retorted。
〃Of course;〃 Grimble laughed。 〃As soon as we're done here we'll go inside and I'll pay him his first month's wages。〃
〃Actually;〃 Aahz drawled。 〃What we wanted to discuss was an increase。〃
The chancellor stopped laughing。
〃You mean a bonus; don't you?〃 he asked hopefully。 〃I'm sure we can work something out; considering…〃
〃I mean an increase!〃 Aahz corrected firmly。 〃C'mon; Grimble。 The kingdom's bigger now。 That means the magician's job is bigger and deserves more pay。〃
〃I'm not sure I can approve that;〃 the chancellor responded cagily。
〃With the increase of your tax base;〃 Aahz pressed; 〃I figure you can afford…〃
〃Now let's be careful;〃 Grimble countered。 〃Our overhead has gone up right along with that increase。 In fact; I wouldn't be surprised if 。 。 。〃
〃C'mon; Gleep;〃 I murmured to my pet。 〃Let's go see Buttercup。〃
I had a feeling the wage debate was going to last for a while。
Chapter Twenty…Six
〃All's well that ends well。〃
…E。 A。 POE
I was spending a leisurely afternoon killing time in my immense room in the palace。
The bargaining session between Aahz and Grimble had gone well for us。 Not only had I gotten a substantial wage increase; I was also now housed in a room which was only a little smaller than Grimble's; which in turn was second only to the king's in size。 What was more; the room had a large window; which was nice even if it did look out over the stables。 Aahz had insisted on this; hinting darkly that I might be receiving winged visitors in the night。 I think this scared me more than it did Grimble; but I got my window。
When I chose; I could look down from my perch and keep an eye on Gleep and Buttercup in the stables。 I could also watch the hapless stable boy who had been assigned to catering to their every need。 That had been part of the deal; too; though I had pushed for it a lot harder than Aahz。
Aahz was housed in the adjoining room; which was nice; though smaller than mine。 The royal architects were scheduled to open a door in our shared wall; and I had a hunch that when they did; the room arrangement would change drastically。 For the moment; at least; I had a bit of unaccustomed privacy。
The room itself; however; was not what was currently manding my attention。 My mind was focused on Garkin's old brazier。 I had been trying all afternoon to unlock its secrets; thus far without success。 It stood firmly in the center of the floor where I had first placed it; stubbornly resisting my efforts。
I perched on my windowsill and stud