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ing specific。 Who knows? Maybe you're it。 Remember what I told you; cushy jobs don't always go to the most skillful。 In fact; it usually goes the other way。〃
 〃Yeah;〃 I said; trying to sound optimistic。 〃Maybe I'll get lucky。〃
 〃It's going to take more than luck;〃 Aahz corrected me sternly。 〃Now; what have you learned watching the king's advisors?〃
 〃They don't like each other;〃 I observed immediately。
 〃Right!〃 Aahz sounded surprised and pleased。 〃Now that means you probably won't be able to please them both。 You'll have to play up to one of them 。 。 。 or better still insult one。 That'll get the other one on your side faster than anything。 Now; which one do you want on your side?〃
 That was easier than his first question。
 〃The general;〃 I said firmly。
 〃Wrong! You want the chancellor。〃
 〃The chancellor!〃 I exclaimed; blurting the words out louder than I had intended。 〃Did you see the size of that axe the general's carrying?〃
 〃Uh…huh;〃 Aahz replied。 〃Did you hear what happened to the guy who interviewed before old Red Cloak here got his turn?〃
 I closed my eyes and controlled my first sharp remark。
 〃Aahz;〃 I said carefully; 〃remember me? I'm Skeeve。 I'm the one who can't hear whispers a mile away。〃
 As usual Aahz ignored my sarcasm。
 〃The last guy didn't even get a chance to show his stuff;〃 he informed me。 〃The chancellor took one look at the crowd he brought with him and asked how many were in his retinue。 ‘Eight;' the man said。 ‘Too many!' says the chancellor and the poor fool was dismissed immediately。〃
 〃So?〃 I asked bluntly。
 〃So the chancellor is the one watching the purse strings;〃 concluded Aahz。 〃What's more; he has more influence than the general。 Look at these silly walls。 Do you think a military man would leave walls half…finished if he had the final say? Somebody decided too much money was being spent constructing them and the project was canceled or delayed。 I'm betting that somebody was the chancellor。〃
 〃Maybe they ran out of stones;〃 I suggested。
 〃C'mon; kid。 From what we've seen since we crossed the border this kingdom's principal crop is stones。〃
 〃But the general 。 。 。〃
 As I spoke; I glanced in the general's direction again。 To my surprise and disfort; he was staring directly at me。 It wasn't a friendly stare。
 I hesitated for a moment; hoping I was wrong。 I wasn't。 The general's gaze didn't waver; nor did his expression soften。 If anything; it got uglier。
 〃Aahz;〃 I hissed desperately; unable to tear my eyes from the general。
 Now the king and the chancellor were staring in my direction too; their attention drawn by the general's gaze。
 〃Kid!〃 Aahz moaned beside me。 〃I thought I told you to do something about that pike!〃
 The pike! I had pletely forgotten about it!
 I pulled my eyes from the general's glare and glanced behind me as casually as I could。
 Buttercup and Gleep were still standing patiently to our rear; and floating serenely above them was the guard's pike。 I guess it was kind of noticeable。
 I turned toward the pavilion and the sound of the bellow。 The general had stepped forward and was pointing a massive finger at me。
 〃Yes; you!〃 he roared as our eyes met once more。 〃Where did you get that pike? It belongs to the palace guards。〃
 〃I think you're about to have your interview; kid;〃 Aahz murmured。 〃Give it your best and knock 'em stiff。〃
 〃But…〃 I protested。
 〃It beats standing in line!〃
 With that; Aahz took a long leisurely step backward。 The effect was the same as if I had stepped forward; which I definitely hadn't。 With the attention of the entire courtyard now centered on me; however; I had no choice but to take the plunge。
 Chapter Six
 〃That's entertainment!〃
 Crossing my arms; I moved toward the pavilion; keeping my pace slow and measured。
 Aahz had insisted I practice this walk。 He said it would make me look confident and self…possessed。 Now that I was actually appearing before a king; I found I was using the walk; not as a show of arrogance; but to hide the weakness in my legs。
 〃Well?〃 the general rumbled; looming before me。 〃I asked you a question! Where did you get that pike? You'd best answer before I grow angry!〃
 Something in me snapped。 Any fear I felt of the general and his axe evaporated; replaced by a heady glow of strength。
 I had discovered on my first visit to the Bazaar at Deva that I didn't like to be pushed by big; loud Deveels。 I discovered now that I also didn't like it any better when the arrogance came from a big; loud fellow Klahd。
 So the big man wanted to throw his weight around; did he?
 With a twitch of my mind; I summoned the pike。 Without turning to look; I brought it arrowing over my shoulder in a course destined to embed it in the general's chest。
 The general saw it ing and paled。 He took an awkward step backward; realized it was too late for flight; and groped madly for his axe。
 I stopped the pike three feet from his chest; floating it in front of him with its point leveled at his heart。
 〃This pike?〃 I asked casually。
 〃Ahh 。 。 。〃 the general responded; his eyes never leaving the weapon。
 〃I took this pike from an overly rude soldier。 He said he was following orders。 Would those orders e from you; by any chance?〃
 〃I 。 。 。 um 。 。 。 。〃 The general licked his lips。 〃I issued orders that my men deal with strangers in an expedient fashion。 I said nothing about their being less then polite。〃
 〃In that case 。 。 。〃
 I moved the pike ninety degrees so that it no longer threatened the general。
 〃。 。 。 I return the pike to you so that you might give it back to the guard along with a clarification of your orders 。 。 。 。〃
 The general hesitated; scowling; then extended his hand to grasp the floating pike。 Just before he reached it; I let it fall to the ground where it clattered noisily。
 〃。 。 。 and hopefully additional instructions as to how to handle their weapons;〃 I concluded。
 The general flushed and started to pick up the pike。 Then the chancellor snickered; and the general spun around to glare at him。 The chancellor smirked openly and whispered something to the king; who tried to suppress a smile at his words。
 The general turned to me again; ignoring the pike; and glared down from his full height。
 〃Who are you?〃 he asked in a tone which implied my name would be immediately moved to the head of the list for public execution。
 〃Who's asking?〃 I glared back; still not pletely over my anger。
 〃The man you are addressing;〃 the king interceded; 〃is Hugh Badaxe; mander of the Royal Armies of Possiltum。〃
 〃And I am J。 R。 Grimble;〃 the chancellor added hastily; afraid of being left out。 〃First Advisor to His Majesty。〃
 The general shot another black look at Grimble。 I decided it was time to get down to business。
 〃I am the magician known as Skeeve;〃 I began grandly。 〃I have e in response to a gracious invitation from His Most Noble Majesty; Rodrick the Fifth。〃
 I paused and inclined my head slightly to the king who smiled and nodded in return。
 〃I have e to determine for myself if I should consider accepting a position at the court of Possiltum。〃
 The phrasing of that last part had been chosen very carefully by Aahz。 It was designed to display my confidence by implying the choice was mine rather than theirs。
 The subtlety was not lost on the chancellor; who raised a critical eyebrow at my choice of words。
 〃Now; such a position requires confidence on both sides;〃 I continued。 〃I must feel that I will be amply rewarded for my services; and His Majesty must be satisfied that my skills are worthy of his sponsorship。〃
 I turned slightly and raised my voice to address the entire court。
 〃The generosity of the crown of Possiltum is known to all;〃 I declared。 〃And I have every confidence His Majesty will reward his retainers in proportion to their service to him。〃
 There was a strangled sound behind me; from the general; I think。 I ignored it。
 〃Therefore; all that is required is that I satisfy His Majesty 。 。 。 and his advisors 。 。 。 that my humble skills will indeed suffice his needs。〃
 I turned to the throne once more; letting the king see my secret smile which belied the humility of my words。
 〃Your Majesty; my powers are many and varied。 However; the essence of power is control。 Therefore realizing you are a busy man; rather than waste time with mere mercial trickeries and minor demonstrations such as we have already seen; I shall weave but three spells and trust in your wisdom to perceive the depths behind them。〃
 I turned and stretched forth a finger to point at Buttercup and Gleep。
 〃Yonder are my prize pair of matched unicorns;〃 I said dramatically。 〃Would Your Majesty be so kind as to choose one of them?〃
 The king blinked in surprise at being invited to participate in my demonstration。 For a moment he hesitated。
 〃Umm 。 。 。 I choose the one on the left;〃 he said; finally indicating Buttercup。
 I bowed slightly。
 〃Very well; Your Majesty。 By your word shall that creature be spared。 Observe the other closely。〃
 Actually; that was another little stunt Aahz had taught me。 It's called a 〃magician's force;〃 and allows a performer to offer his audience a choice without really giving them a choice。 Had the king chosen Gleep; I would have simply proceeded to work on 〃the creature he had doomed with a word。〃
 Slowly; I pointed a finger at Gleep and lowered my head slightly。
 〃Walla walla Washington!〃 I said somberly。
 I don't know what the words meant; but Aahz assured me they had historic precedence and would convince people I was actually doing something plex。
 〃Alla kazam shazam;〃 I continued; raising my other arm。 〃Bibbity bobbity 。 。 。〃
 I mentally removed Gleep's disguise。
 The crowd reacted with a gasp; drowning out my final 〃goo…gleep。〃
 My dragon heard his name; though; and reacted immediately。 His head came up and he lumbered forward to stand docilely at my side。 As planned; Aahz immediately shambled forward to a position near Gleep's head and stood watchful and ready。
 This was meant to imply that we were prepared to handle any difficulty which might arise with the dragon。 The crowd's reaction to him; however; overshadowed their horror at seeing a unicorn transformed to a dragon。 I had forgotten how effective the 〃disreputable character〃 disguise was。 Afraid of losing the momentum of my performance; I hurried on。
 〃This misshapen wretch is my apprentice Aahz;〃 I announced。 〃You may wonder if it is within his power to stop the dragon should the beast grow angry。 I tell you now 。 。 。 it is not!〃
 The crowd edged back nervously。 From the corner of my eye; I saw the general's hand slide to the handle of his axe。
 〃But it is within my power! Now you know that the forces of darkness are no strangers to Skeeve!〃
 I spun and stabbed a finger at Aahz。
 〃Bobbelty gook; crumbs and martyrs!〃
 I removed Aahz's disguise。
 There was a moment of stunned silence; then Aahz smiled。 Aahz's smile has been known to make strong men weak; and there were not many strong men in the crowd。
 The audience half trampled each other in their haste to backpedal from the demon; and the sound of screeches was intermixed with hastily chanted protection spells。
 I turned to the throne once more。 The king and the chancellor seemed to be taking it well。 They were posed; though a bit pale。 The general was scowling thoughtfully at Aahz。
 〃As a demon; my apprentice can suppress the dragon if need be 。 。 。 nay; ten dragons。 Such is my power。 Yet power must be tempered with gentleness 。 。 。 gentility if you will。〃
 I allowed my expression to grow thoughtful。
 〃To confuse one's enemies and receive one's allies; you need no open show of power or menace。 For occasions such as those; one's powers can be masked until one is no more conspicuous than 。 。 。 than a stripling。〃
 As I spoke the final words; I stripped away my own disguise and stood in my youthful unsplendor。 I probably should have used some fake magik words; but I had already used up all the ones Aahz had taught me and was afraid of experimenting with new ones。
 The king and the chancellor were staring at me intently as if trying to penetrate my magical disguise with willpower alone。 The general was performing a similar exercis
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